Thanks for inviting me on here, Sid.
Happy New Year, guys. I’ll be your playmate on 8th of every month.
I promise not to mention the snow, the extreme cold, the wind, the rain, the floods and any other weather we seem to be suffering at the moment. Ok, maybe just one picture from Porthcawl in Wales.
I asked on my Facebook what questions do you get asked all the time that make you roll your eyes? Questions include:
- When are you going to get a real job?
- Are you still writing?
- So what do you write?
- Don’t you wish you were a *real* author?
Hmm, shall we go through these questions and bear in mind that I am restraining myself from using the accompanying swear-words.
- When are you going to get a real job?
When the boffins in this world extend the day to thirty hours plus. I work most days until from ten in the morning to ten o’clock in the evening. I’m sure one day they will manage to extend the working day. I hope I’m retired by then.
- Are you still writing?
I have to take a really deep breath and remind myself that homicide is illegal everywhere. I smile sweetly and explain I am a writer. I write for a living. It pays my bills. It feeds my kids and stops them shouting at me. Happy kids makes for a happy Sue.
- So what do you write?
Okay, I have to admit I have a number of responses. If it’s a complete stranger I write fiction. If pressed I write romance. If pressed further I will agree (again, oh so sweetly) that I didn’t write Fifty Shades of Grey, and I wouldn’t be standing talking to Ms. X if I had millions in the bank. Most people give up at romance because romance isn’t *real* writing, is it?
There are some hardy souls who want to know exactly what I write. I smile. “Gay romance.”
“You mean girl-on-girl?”
“Oh no. Male/male.”
If I had a pound for the shocked look on their faces I’d be rich, rich I tell you.
- Don’t you wish you were a *real* author?
I know what they are trying to say. You can’t buy my books off the shelves in a bookshop. However, you can buy my books online from Amazon, Tesco, WH Smith and Waterstones.
Am I not a real author? In my mind I think I am, and it’s a knock to my confidence when people ask this question.
Then I write another book, sign another contract, go through the editing process, sort out the cover art and publish the book. People read the books. I am a real author and I love it!
Sue Brown is owned by her dog and two children. When she isn’t following their orders, she can be found plotting at her laptop. In fact she hides so she can plot, and is an expert at ignoring the orders.
Sue discovered M/M erotica at the time she woke up to find two men kissing on her favorite television series. The series was boring; the kissing was not. She may be late to the party, but she’s made up for it since, writing fan fiction until she was brave enough to venture out into the world of original fiction.
Sue can be found at her website,; her blog,; Twitter,; and her Facebook,
The people who are shocked that you write gay romance would be even more shocked at how much they’d love it if they just gave it a chance. I’m 64, read my first gay novel 2 years ago, and I’m never going back.
I have to think that some of those questions come from a jealous place. I can’t imagine asking something like that or even thinking that it would somehow be acceptable to ask some of those questions.
Silly people who don’t know a real author. Keep up the good work Sue, and thanks for your words here, too
(that picture of Porthcawl is awesome!)