Five Things I’m Going To Do Different This Year:
- This year, I’m going to preschedule blogs and make sure I meet all my deadlines. I’m going to pay attention to dates. I’m even going to set up calendar reminders. How’s it going so far? Not too well actually. I’m skidding into a deadline with this blog, and I just finished a book (two weeks) late. I forgot to post this weeks Sunday Brunch Blog. But since this is the tale end of the winter break and my kids don’t all go back to school until tomorrow, I’m giving myself a few days to get serious about the effort. After all, on top of the holidays, my twins turned sixteen, my middle kid got his drivers license and my daughter turned twenty one. So Christmas, New Years’ and three birthdays later, I feel like I’m owed a little extra get with the program time…
- I’m going to spend more time each day in meditation. Yeah. I spend all day trying to come up with ideas. It seems to me I ought to spend at least a little time everyday thinking about nothing.
- I’m going to go easier on myself when I make a mistake. This one sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s not something that comes naturally to me. I have irrationally high expectations, especially for my work. It’s hard for me to let myself accept that sometimes I do something dumb. Forgetting a bill and incurring a late fee, misplacing a piece of equipment, making a poor plot choice in a book, all make me very frustrated. I’m not nearly as tough on others as I am on myself.
- I’m going to smile at people more so they wonder what I’m up to.
- Every day I’m going to show someone I care about them. That’s my goal. I don’t know how I’m going to do that. I don’t want it to translate into simply telling my husband I love him before bed. I think there might be meaningful and interesting ways to show I care both up front and anonymously, and I am going to be looking for those things. Any suggestions?
New year. New me. New you. (New Sherlock) What could be better than starting over — getting another chance to do things right? I’ll be seeing you on the sixth of the month, every month, right here at the Blog Of Sid Love…STAY TUNED!
Great post – I love your writing and have really looked forward to the third book in the Matins series. Will you be writing it this year? Also, last year, on your site, you talked about writing a book about a female author who wasn’t doing the writing anymore and I think it was her son who was pretending to be her and then a personal appearance was scheduled. I know I’m not doing a good job of describing it but do you still have plans to write that book? It sounded so good!
Hi Andrea,
I am really hoping I can squeeze Matins into the schedule toward the end of this year. I get letters about this every so often, and all I can say is, I simply got overwhelmed by work and life, and I hopped back on the carousel in a different place. I am still considering how to write both of those books, given the current schedule I have. Both are calling to me. Maybe if I just don’t sleep anymore? I hope to get both of those books out very soon.