5 Responses

  1. Peaches
    Peaches at |

    This review earned a few good chuckles:
    “In the words on an intelligent man, it was legen – wait for it …”
    “Oh, you are still waiting for it? Well, I was too…”
    “My best friend, Google, told me all that…”

    I’m a little unsure about this story but the review I enjoyed. Merry Christmas and thank you!

  2. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    I lveo ones that center on the fight between the two kings.

  3. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    Thanks for the review. Merry Christmas!

  4. Jill P
    Jill P at |

    Thanks for the review….it sounds like that would be the best part!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Suze
    Suze at |

    Thanks for the pre-reading reading tip!


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