Rhys Ford is the author of the award winning Cole McGinnis Mystery series and the popular Sinner’s series. Her characters are compelling and real and it’s easy to see why her stories top the best-sellers lists for so long.
Now she has a new story coming out. Fish and Ghosts is a paranormal mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what’s going to happen next.
Rhys, I’d like to ask you where the idea for this story came from? Are you a fan of the paranormal? Do you believe in ghosts?
A: First, thank you for having me! Really, I adore this site and am always so touched by your support. Thank You Very Much!
Where did this idea come from? You know, I have no recollection of where exactly. I think it was just an idea I had that started off with the saying of Fish and Guests stink after three days and it sort of spun out from there.
I am a HUGE fan of the paranormal and yeah, I never discount things that might exist. There are too many mysteries in this universe to say a ghost isn’t real. Or some form of electrical/spectral imprint.
How did you get started writing? Is it something you’ve always done or are you a late bloomer?
I come from a family of liars and storytellers. *grins* Writing things down is probably my deviation from that. We do have a lot of storytellers in our family so I think it just comes as part of the familial culture.
I’ve always enjoyed writing. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing or drawing.
How did you get started writing in the m/m genre?
I would have to say I never really thought of it as a M/M genre so much as it was just the MC happens to be gay. What got me started? I’d have to say just the possibility of portraying a gay character in some kind of story. Lynn Flewelling, Josh Lanyon, Joseph Hansen, Michael Nava, Elizabeth Abbey all were sort of there at the beginning of my reading journey into the genre. I’ve read a lot; everything from John Preston to Amy Lane.
But then to be fair, I devour a bunch of different types of books; mysteries, romances, really anything.
Writing just sort of happened. I had an idea and said; what the hell?
What kind of writer are you? Do you like to outline and plan out the whole story before you start writing or do you fly by the seat of your pants?
Oh I try to plot. I plan. I make bibles. I know what they look like, I know their voices and then it all goes to hell in a handbasket the first time my brain says… Hey, you know what’ll be cool! A ghost dog. That’s right…a fucking ghost dog. How about that? Hah!
Then my demon brainy bit runs away and I’m left dealing with the aftermath.
Were you surprised by the popularity of your excellent Sinner’s series? I found all the characters to be people I really wanted to know and I’m sure we are all curious about the inspiration for these stories. And can we expect more in this series?
Okay, I’ll be honest—in my head—about five or six people have read this book. I have no idea if anything I write is popular or how it’s going in the world. Other than royalties, which is a bit of a disconnect for me because it’s kind of all mingled in and I don’t equate it out to any particular series. That’s kind of like a paycheck from Dreamspinner and I go, that’s great! Thanks!
I hope people like(d) the Sinners series. It’s a hard write at times. Hell, I’m writing Tequila Mockingbird right now and I’m loathing it because I want the reader to just feel the punch of things in their gut. That’s pretty much what it all comes down to—are those five or six people entertained. *nods*
Ah, what’s up with the series. There’s Tequila Mockingbird which will be out in 2Q14 and a short called The Devil’s Brew featuring Miki and Kane—Miki deals with Valentine’s Day—and not well.
I also just discovered a story of yours called Black Dog Blues and now I’m dying to read it? It’s a fantasy world story with a healthy dose of Elves, fairies and monsters. Do you find writing fantasy harder than normal contemporary fiction?
Ah, Kai Gracen. Black Dog Blues is a pretty hardline urban fantasy. I follow the UF genre rules pretty close to the line there with the exception of him being a bisexual male elf. Possibly one of the most intense books to write because of the world building and the making sure all the dots connect up. World building’s a bitch. I have a steampunk novella coming out in February and really, I could have stacked up another 40,000 words just on the world.
So yeah, fantasy is harder in a lot of ways—approachable fantasy not high fantasy. Paranormal’s a lot easier because my brain’s kind of already in that mode. Mysteries and thrillers are both fun and a headache because of the puzzle.
Do you have a favorite all-time author? Someone whose stories you can’t wait for?
Answering that would be like trying to clean out Augean Stables. Hell, dear God. Um…I’m not even going—God.
Mary Calmes, Amy Lane, Josh Lanyon, Jordan L Hawk, Jordan Castillo Price, JD Robb, Ursula Vernon, SE Jakes—oh god oh god we’re all going to die—now my brain’s blanking out. The pressure. TJ Klune, Poppy Dennison, Piper Vaughn, Mercy Celeste, Josephine Myles, Charlie Cochrane, JL Merrow, Julia Quinn, Jennifer Estep, Robin McKinley, Donald Kingsbury (love him—god his mind!), ZA Maxfield, James Buchanan…*SOBS*
Hit up my Goodreads shelf. Seriously, I am a voracious reader. No words. Can’t even. Because I’m not even close to ending my list.
What about a favorite story? Or series?
And yet the questions did NOT get any easier. Favourite story? Courtship Rite by Donald Kingsbury. Series: Adrien English by Josh Lanyon. And see prior answer.
What’s next from Rhys Ford? I’ve heard nothing but excellent reviews on the Cole McGinnis Mystery series and they are next on my reading list. Is there something new that might be coming about this handsome PI?
Ah, Dirty Deeds the fourth Cole McGinnis book will be out in March 28, 2014. I just got the confirmation of the date. This is a very different write/read than the first three. We’ve moved into the Cole spectrum in this second trilogy. I think that’s the best way of putting it. Cole’s dealing with the whole Ben thing and what that means to him.
How about a few personal questions?
Where is the top place to visit on your bucket list?
Oh damn—I’ve been to so many places. I’d have to say going back to the UK to visit with the Five. We’re very close and we’ve all visited with one another in different groups but we’ve got to be in one spot at a time. That’ll be nice.
What’s your favorite food? Do you like to cook?
I’d have to say my favourite food in the world is lau lau, which is a Hawaiian dish of taro leaves and steamed meat. Love this. I’d want it as my last meal. And I love to cook. I post food porn often.
What’s your favorite writing atmosphere? Quiet hideout? Background music or is it too distracting?
I write usually in a bubble of music. I can’t have any distractions other than a soundtrack because my brain goes all SQUIRREL! Especially when I have to write smut. *grins*
What is the last movie you saw? Do you have a TV series you never miss?
Oh god, in the theatre? Thor 2. At home? We tried to make it through Stonehenge Apocalypse with Misha Collins and Peter Wingfield. I have Wolverine on the queue so I hope to get to that sometime this month.
Series I never miss? Supernatural. I’m also fond of Justified (great storytelling), BBC Sherlock, Almost Human and Sleepy Hollow. Hmmm… all series featuring hot men. Go figure. I also watch a lot of forensic shows and the Food Network. The Taste is one of my favourites. Also Ink Master. Heather Cook and I often text one another our outrage at the art. And how hot Dave Navarro is.
What songs would people find on your i-pod play list?
Right now? I have a huge range of music. I’m currently in a G-Dragon, Big Bang, White Stripes/Jack White, Tool, Metallica mix with some Macklemore and Device thrown in. Gorillaz too. All depends on what I’m writing. Oh and instrumental soundtracks from Star Trek and a few others. Thor! Dark Knight. Some Daft Punk.
Do you have a charity that is on the top of your to-support list?
My cat’s belly. Okay, actually I would say that I support most animal causes but right now my hear and hopes lie with Eric Arvin and TJ Klune. Also really equality in general. I’d also have to give a shout out to any organization who reaches out to in-danger teens and tries to give them a safe and healthy space to be
What was the last book you read?
Funny you should say that, I’m currently doing an Audiobook; A Dangerous Thing by Josh Lanyon. I alternate between reading that and um… projects other authors have sent me. Christmas Kitsch by Amy Lane is up next on my queue.
What’s something about Rhys Ford that you think would surprise your readers?
I don’t think anything about me would surprise anyone. I’m usually pretty much an open book—SQUIRREL! Um… I have no idea.
Is there anything else that you’d like to talk about that I haven’t thought to ask?
You know what would be nice? If everyone was really sweet to one another for one day. Wouldn’t that be cool? Just one day of human kindness. And then of course the zombie dinosaurs would rise up and kill us all but it would be nice.
Roundabouts are interesting. I get fascinated by how many times I see people just keep going round. To be fair, are you supposed to take an entire turn and then get off on the street you want or is it just okay to dart over there and dismount?
Oh! Audiobooks! I hope to have Sinners series audiobook info soon. *crosses fingers* we’ll see
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to answer these questions for us. I did a review on Fish and Ghosts for the blog and I have to say it was a fantastic story. It had me laughing out loud and I fell hard for the characters. Good luck with it’s upcoming release. I’m looking forward to more of your stories in the future.
Thank you! Truly, it means a lot for you to host me and I appreciate all you and the readers do for me. I am so very grateful for your support. Thank you again!
You can find Rhys Ford’s stories here at Dreamspinner Press: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/index.php?cPath=452
And also here at Amazon, including Black Dog Blues which isn’t available from Dreamspinner: http://www.amazon.com/Rhys-Ford/e/B005UTGKSW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
And don’t forget to check out Rhys Ford at her Website: http://rhysford.com/
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Reviewed by Cindy
TITLE: Fish and Ghosts
AUTHOR: Rhys Ford
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
LENGTH: 240 pages
BLURB: When his Uncle Mortimer died and left him Hoxne Grange, the family’s Gilded Age mansion, Tristan Pryce became the second generation of Pryces to serve as a caretaker for the estate, a way station for spirits on their final steps to the afterlife. Tristan is prepared for challenges, though not necessarily from the ghosts he’s seen since childhood. Determined to establish Tristan’s insanity and gain access to his trust fund, his loving relatives hire Dr. Wolf Kincaid and his paranormal researchers, Hellsinger Investigations, to prove the Grange is not haunted.
Skeptic Wolf Kincaid has made it his life’s work to debunk the supernatural. After years of cons and fakes, he can’t wait to reveal the Grange’s ghostly activity is just badly leveled floorboards and a drafty old house. More than a few surprises await him at the Grange, including its prickly, reclusive owner. Tristan Pryce is much less insane and much more attractive than Wolf wants to admit, and when his team releases a ghostly serial killer on the Grange, Wolf is torn between his skepticism and protecting the man he’s been sent to discredit.
Rhys Ford’s “Sinners Series” is one of my favorite, so I was looking forward to reading this as soon as a fellow reviewer mentioned it. Ms. Ford has a wonderful way of working humor and horror into stories that I can’t resist and this latest endeavour is no different.
Tristan Pryce has always been different. The only person in his family who ever seemed to understand him was his uncle Mortimer who ends up leaving him the family home and that home has a ghostly purpose.
Of course, this home is a little different. It’s an inn and the people staying aren’t always all there. The rest of his family think he’s in need of a mental health professional and hire someone to prove to Tristan that things aren’t what he thinks they are.
Wolf Kincaid is that person. He comes into Tristan’s home and his life bound and determined to prove that everything he thinks he knows is a lie. He’s very surprised to learn that maybe he’s the one in the wrong.
The chemistry between the two men is instant but the anticipation is drawn out just long enough to have the reader dying for something to happen.
There are little hints throughout the story as to the reality of certain things but never enough to give the game away.
Mara the housekeeper is one of my favorite characters. Her sharp tongue and quick wit had me smiling and her approval of Wold and Tristan’s relationship does a lot to help the men find their way to each other.
Matt and Gidget, Wolf’s employees, are an adorable couple who accidentally start something horrific at the inn. The way they argue and then make up made me giggle. It’s a good reminder that passion runs hot and sometimes it starts fires.
Also worth mentioning are the dogs, Boris and Jack. They are complete opposites in every way but they will both win your heart.
The final climactic scene is started by Wolf’s mother, who in her attempt to be helpful makes things so much worse and its up to Wolf and Tristan to clean up her mess.
The whole story is fun and filled with many little surprises that will make you smile. The author has a talent for making humor work in the darkest situations and you will be cheering for Wolf and Tristan from beginning to end.
Oh and a little surprise homage to one of my other favorite Rhys Ford
I can’t come up with one thing I didn’t like about this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good ghost story!
On top of answering the questions to this interview Rhys is offering a $20 gift certificate to vendor of choice for the giveaway .
Don’t forget to leave your Email addy and Good Luck!
Wow, this sounds amazing. Going on the TBR list.
Laurie P
Good interview! I do love the titles Rhys Ford comes up with.
Good luck with the new book. I know that I am looking forward to reading it.
Added this to my tbr! Thanks for the chance to win.
raynman1979 at yahoo dot com
I am so looking forward to reading this book
Count me in: radka.bart@gmail.com
Where to fit this in? And Black Dog Blues and the steampunk and then Dirty Deeds…I will find a place or…err…places! Thank you for the wonderful interview, very fun to read. Thank you also for the giveaway.
I always forget this, sorry. aahickman at hotmail dot com
Too long since my last Rhys Ford book (Black Dog Blues – fabulous!). I can’t wait for this one to be available.
Have this on my TBR list. Sounds great and love the cover! Thanks for the giveaway.
jen.f {at} mac {dot} com
I’m in! This sounds really good, going to make it my first Rhys Ford read
Count me in please. I REALLY want to read this book! Loved the interview
Also looking forward to reading this one
Can’t wait to read this!!
I’m so excited to read Fish and Ghost. I have my calendar marked!
Got it preordered. Can’t wait to read it! I really can’t wait for anything and everything that Rhys writes
Thanks for the giveaway.
mffairreader at aol dot com
Can’t wait to read this one ….. also for more Cole and Jae <3
Roundabouts kind of freak me out too; there are 2 in my town that I have to drive through at least once a week and i cringe every time…. i'm sure the cars behind me really get mad because I creep…. and trust me i'm not usually a creeper driver….
Love Rhys’ blog, and I can’t wait to read this one!
I used to read a lot of Urban Fantasy, which is actually what led me to M/M. Black Dog Blues was wonderful!
Can’t wait for more. I’ve read all of Rhys Ford’s books and can’t wait for Fish & Ghosts!
Sounds like a lot a fun to read. I really like paranormal stories, so this one sounds even better with the humor too.
Love Love Love Rhys Ford’s books.
Thanks for the interview Sid & Rhys. Rhys is an automatic buy for me. I usually buy the book when it comes out and, if it’s a series, wait to read it until I have at least two so I can spend more time with it. That’s hard to do sometimes because I really want to read the book. I also re-read the entire series every time if it’s part of a series.
I love the idea of one day of kindness. However, I’m not going to hold my breath for that one. Instead, I choose to do random acts of kindness. I really get a kick out of it if I can do it anonymously. Merry Christmas, Rhys and Sid! Thanks for the gift of your characters, Rhys!
Great interview! I so love the dirty series, and look forward to reading Ben’s story. I would love to see a day plus of kindness wrap itself around the whole and them some….what an awesome thing it would be.
How true that random acts of kindness would be delightful too!
Thank you Rhys for all the wonderful characters that have made reading your stories such a great adventure…*S*
Wishing You & All a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ha!! As always, you leave me in stitches…<3 !!!
I love the Cole McGinnis books. I am sure I will love this one as well.
debby236 at hotmail dot com
Great interview and review! Looking forward to reading this one.
Thank you for the lovely interview, sidlove and rhys!
Fish and Ghost is definitely my type of story ^_*
Thanks for the giveaway
moniqee @ gmail.com
Oh my god! Great interview. Cannot WAIT for Tequila Mockingbird and Dirty Deeds! Glad to have won the ARC of this one
You know I love you and your writing 
Can’t wait to read!!!
I have yet to read something from Rhys that I didn’t like!
Oh, looking forward to seeing this book and reading it. Thank you for the giveaway.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
This sounds so good. I have so many of Rhys’ books on my tbr list.
Am waiting, waiting, waiting,,,ever so patiently
for this.
kalimar2010 @ gmail.com
I’m so looking forward to this book. I lurve everything Rhys writes!
Looking forward to read this!
Oh, I love LOVE the Cole McGinnis Mystery series (March 28!!! Can’t wait!!) and really enjoyed the Sinner’s books, too
Paranormal mystery/Urban fantasy is one of fave genres so I’m really looking forward to Fish and Ghosts.
BBC Sherlock <333 G-Dragon <3
cayce006 at yahoo dot com
I adore Rhys’ work, and if I can be so bold as to adore her as a person just from what I’ve read on her posts, then there’s that, too. Thanks for sharing more of her wonderfulness with us.
caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com
Add me please!!! mevalem258 at gmail dot com
winner selected Congrats!