TITLE: Holiday Invasion
AUTHOR: Elle Sommers
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
LENGTH: 35 pages
BLURB: Lukas and Taylor are looking forward to Christmas with their two-month-old daughter. However, Taylor’s parents and Lukas’s siblings decide they shouldn’t be alone for the holiday and invade the house. Their intentions are good, but it changes Lukas and Taylor’s plans. So not only is Taylor learning the ropes on his new job, but his and Lucas’s once-quiet house is now overflowing with people, and not all of them get along. Their holiday might crash and burn if they can’t bring their families together.
A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package “Heartwarming”.
Taylor and Lukas are a happy young couple, together for 8 years and married for 3, who have recently adopted a beautiful daughter, Rebecca. They lead busy lives, with Lukas working from home as a writer while he cares for “Becca”, while Taylor has gotten a new job at a pharmacy. All seems to be setting up nicely for a quiet Christmas, Becca’s first, which is just what they were looking forward to–their first perfect Christmas as a family of three.
What happens when Taylor’s mom and dad, laden with presents andunable to suppress the desire to also share in Becca’s first Christmas, show up unexpectedly on the young couple’s doorstep to share in the holiday joy? And when more well-meaning but intrusive relatives from Lukas’s side of the family arrive to spend a few days at Christmas time, will the young family ever get any time to themselves to enjoy the holiday, their new daughter, and each other? Can they still have the perfect Christmas together?
Sommers wraps it up in a nice bow and presents to us a sweet, holiday story that every young family with grandparents, uncles, and aunts who want to join in the fun that a baby brings to the household can relate to. It reminds us of how important extended family can be to our lives and the lives of our children, while at the same makes us wonder just how simplier things might be if those family members lived too far away to just pop in unannounced.
RATING: [3.75 stars]
BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press
Dreamspinner Press and The Blog of Sid Love bring to you an opportunity where you get to win a free set of DSP’s “Heartwarming” Advent Calender 2013. Yes! The full set with 31 stories including contributions from authors like Andrew Grey, Cardeno C., Grace R. Duncan, and many more…
If you wish to enter yourself into this contest, all you have to do is comment on every advent event post we make each day till the end of this month. Look out for titles with “Advent Calender Event” mentioned in them (such as this one) and the posts will be reviews on each and every story from this anthology.
The contest will end on 1st January, 2014 and the winners will be announced on the 2nd of January.
So, good luck to you all and Happy Holidays!
I love stories that show you the importance of family!
Sounds like stuff everybody goes thru at one time or other. I like the sound if this one.
Sounds like one to read when yo need something quick.
I come from a small family with no real extended family, so stories like this one are a treat. I imagine large gatherings, especially unplanned ones, can be pretty exhausting, but I bet pretty special, too.
Just the three of them sounds heavenly! Usually we are more of a wide mix of friends and family
The family’s intentions were really caring, even if so many people for the holidays can be so overwhelming.