Review by Taylor
TITLE: The Lawyer Under the Tree
ANTHOLOGY: Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package “Heartwarming”
AUTHOR: Meg Harding
LENGTH: 57 pages
BLURB: Christmas parties aren’t Travis Buckley’s thing. He’s far too cynical and set in his ways. Too bad his bosses don’t care what he wants. Travis had better lawyer up and make the firm proud by contributing to a charity auction giving out dates with gorgeous men. It’s not really a hardship, except Travis might just buy a bit more than he bargained for.
Happy-go-lucky Cameron Ward runs the charity and has a lawyer for a brother, so he knows all about the secrets underneath those staid personas. This year, with a little help from his brother’s firm, Cameron’s setting out to be the crown jewel of the charity auction. Of course, every crown jewel needs a king—and Cameron knows exactly who he wants.
Sighhhh. OK, so this hit all my buttons, even if I realize you do get an incomplete story, but this is a holiday short and it made me happy and gave me smut, so who am I to complain that much?
Travis Buckley is a gorgeous, confident bachelor at his company’s Christmas party when his boss proposes him a choice – to bid on his younger brother at the charity auction. Have one date with him. He’s confused but goes along with it and wins Cameron Ward for the night, despite not having a clue why anyone would want him to date their younger brother.
Cameron runs the charity, but I loved that he didn’t come across as a character that would have animals following him through the forest in all his innocent glory. He’s a guy that cares about people, but he’s also in control, naughty, speaks his mind and goes after what he wants. I loved him and REALLY wished we’d gotten his point of view as well.
The date was pretty amusing considering if I had gone on a date like that where all of a sudden I had someone pouring themselves into my lap and asking me deep questions right away; I run screaming, but for some reason, it worked here.
The sex is off the chain. In fact, this probably tips towards more sex than plot but it was good sex so high five to the author.
Just really cute and adorable but it would have been nice to see some more interaction aside from the sex. Wish the author would write more on them.
Taylor rates it –
Links: Dreamspinner :: Amazon :: ARe
Dreamspinner Press and The Blog of Sid Love bring to you an opportunity where you get to win a free set of DSP’s “Heartwarming” Advent Calender 2013. Yes! The full set with 31 stories including contributions from authors like Andrew Grey, Cardeno C., Grace R. Duncan, and many more…
If you wish to enter yourself into this contest, all you have to do is comment on every advent event post we make each day till the end of this month. Look out for titles with “Advent Calender Event” mentioned in them (such as this one) and the posts will be reviews on each and every story from this anthology.
The contest will end on 1st January, 2014 and the winners will be announced on the 2nd of January.
So, good luck to you all and Happy Holidays!
Sounds fun!
Maybe a sequel could be written
Ohh, I like the sound of this one a lot. Cameron sounds like a force to be reckon with and I’ll like to see how well Travis deals with this situation.
Love the review, does sound a perfect holiday short!
Your review got me! This one sounds really fun and now I’m curious to know more about Cameron!
Hopefully, the author will do a companion piece to the story.
This sounds like a fun little short.