57 Responses

  1. Allison
    Allison at |

    I’d like to read this because I have not read any of Ms. Gasq-Dion’s books yet and this looks really good! Thank you for the post and the giveaway. aahickman at hotmail dot com

  2. JenB
    JenB at |

    I would love to read this book because I’ve been addicted to this series from book 1. I read up to book 16 I think, back to back, before I was all caught up and just couldn’t get enough. My email is boltz186@gmail.com. Thanks! Also can’t wait for the new series to see where things are headed!

  3. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’m completely new to Sandrine’s work, and the series sounds excellent!


  4. Jill P
    Jill P at |

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!! I love shifter stories which is why I like to read this one!
    jasdarts at hotmail dot com

  5. susan65
    susan65 at |

    Thank you for an amazing series…i’ve read them all with the exception of Jesse’s story, so far. Would love to win a copy but regardless this book is on my short list.
    For those who haven’t started this series yet…don’t wait…you will love it. Aaroooo!!!!

  6. susan65
    susan65 at |

    And, of course, i forgot to add my email…whelan051665@hotmail.com

  7. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    Loved what I’ve read of Sandrine’s but as always, I need more please! More books and more by Sandrine! Thanks for the chance to win one…I hope, I hope, I hope!
    Laurie P

  8. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    I’m new to this author’s works, which sound so interesting. Thanks for the giveaway contest!
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  9. Urbanista
    Urbanista at |

    I want to read this book because, as popular and prolific as this author is, I’ve never read one of her books! Time to remedy that situation; I’ve missed out long enough. Thanks!

  10. Darcy "Pommawolf"
    Darcy "Pommawolf" at |

    Your book series have been a wonderful joy to read, and have kept my love of Alaska & Alaska especially alive for me. I started reading. I started with the first book as we were living in our home atop Haystack mountain north of Fairbanks Alaska. Now I’m back in Washington, and when I start another of these great stories I instantly pop right back to Fairbanks in my mind where I started the very first book. Each of these men’s stories have made a home in my heart and a place in my forever keeper collection all of their own…*S*
    Wishing you all the best…and your supporting writing & editing photography people too!
    Thank you for all the wonderful stories about these wonderful men cause they just plain make me smile….lol


    1. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
      Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

      Oh how I miss Alaska!! I spent two wonderful years in Fairbanks on Fort Wainwright!!! Loved the cold and the snow! Also spent 12 years in Washington State! I’m so glad you enjoy the books. 🙂

      1. Darcy "Pomma"
        Darcy "Pomma" at |

        Oh Sandrine! That’s where we moved from! We had 10 acres north of Fairbanks at the top of Haystack Mountain. It was hard to come back to Washington where my soul mate and I were born & raised because the real ruggedness and wilderness is so BIG. I was was sitting in my living room reading the first book, and the description of Wonder Lake just got me crying. We surprised our son in 2001 by showing up in Denali Park where he was working that summer. We had sold our small business in north Idaho, and just packed up everything we had and moved to Alaska. We just had NOT told our son that….LOL!
        We were just licvg a life time dream ….and just did it….*S*
        Wishing you all the best…and awaiting your next book!

        1. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
          Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

          Thank you so much!! I would love to go back and retire in Alaska, it’s just so beautiful!!

  11. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    This book sounds awesome! I’d like a chance to sample this author’s work. 🙂

  12. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I’ve always had a soft spot for werewolf tales and this one hits all my buttons. I also love the cover for Forbidden 🙂

    I’m also looking forward to hearing and seeing more about those four stories you have in the works. Thanks so much for sharing and for the giveaway.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  13. Sally Halliday
    Sally Halliday at |

    Sounds really interesting count me in

  14. Tj
    Tj at |

    This sounds like a really good addition to the series. I love shifters:)


  15. MinnieMae
    MinnieMae at |

    why would I not want to read any of Sandy’s books? I love her books! So much that I maintain a website dedicated to her books! I have yet to read the 2 most recent books, because I am saving them… like you save desert!

  16. T.L. Intravichit
    T.L. Intravichit at |

    I was given book 1 as a gift, and the fire pretty much started from there. I finished it in two hours and immediately hit Amazon to find out if there were anymore. Thank the gods there were! I bought the 6 I could find that night and devoured them all in a weekend. This book, like all the others, will be outstanding and a wonderful read I cannot wait! (It’s sitting in my e-book queue, very impatiently awaiting it’s turn)

  17. Donna R
    Donna R at |

    Sandy has become my all time favorite author of M/M romance. She has built a world that I can lose myself in and revisit at will. Thanks Sandy!

  18. Ruth Case
    Ruth Case at |

    My reason is that her writing enthrals me. Never have I read books that have brought me so quickly to the edge of tears or had me jumping around my room in sheer delight. Each character she writes with such passion and tenderness that it calls to the heart of anyone who reads them. You can feel her love and devotion to all. I have read so far all of your books that you have published on amazon bar forbidden..which is on my list to get next. I wait with baited breath for your next books or as I like to think..my next fix 😉 😀

    My email is gwen_case1@hotmail.com 🙂

  19. Marie Lowery
    Marie Lowery at |

    I would love to read this book. In fact I love reading all of your books. This series has made me laugh, cry, drool, cry some more, I even had to leave it “in the freezer” once (from Friends episode). During Pleading the Fifth (which i have posted many times is my fave). Just keep writing we will all follow u and our fave men along for the ride.

  20. Laura Podrasky
    Laura Podrasky at |

    I love all the books but it’s so great that Jesse and Noah finally get together!!!
    Sandrine is one super talented lady! She has the best set of characters!

  21. Tammy
    Tammy at |

    I just found Sandrine on another blog and had to look for more. I can’t wait to start reading her series and have added alot to my TBR list. Please count me in for the free giveaway!

  22. Beate
    Beate at |

    This books are awesome and i hope for many follow books.

  23. deanna
    deanna at |

    I love your books. They really make you wish that you are really there. I keep having to read them over and over because they are addicting. I cannot wait for the new series to start.

  24. Sally Watts
    Sally Watts at |

    I love your books they add magic to my day.

  25. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    I would love to win a book. I have never read them before and owuld love to experience something new.
    debby236 at hotmail dot com

  26. Becca Fletcher
    Becca Fletcher at |

    I have been addicted to this series since I first found them. I have bought almost all of them and have read most of them at least twice (maybe three times).

  27. Renee S
    Renee S at |

    OK, I admit I’m only up to book five but I’m working on it. I would love to win this book so that I would have a tangible goal and I would read the ones in between that much more steadily, without getting distracted by other glittering books : )

  28. Carol W.
    Carol W. at |

    I am in love with this series. Currently reading book 16 – Into the Lyons Den. I can not get enough for these gentlemen and their mates! I would love to win an ebook. Thank yoU! workmanscraps at gmail dot com

  29. Gigi
    Gigi at |

    Please count me in. Thanks!

  30. Char M
    Char M at |

    This book and series sounds amazing, even if I don’t win this series is going to the top of my tbr list.

    1. Char M
      Char M at |

      Forgot to add my email: starsnmoons01@yahoo.com

  31. Ramona Kokuryuu
    Ramona Kokuryuu at |

    I stumbled accidentially over this serie a few month ago, and have been hooked since then.
    I even reread every book I have, some a few times more than others, and i really love her work.
    Nothing is better than to get comfy on the couch with one of her books and a hot tea in the other hand.
    Makes me dream of another world 🙂

    BTW, my email is ramona-h@web.de.
    Keep up the good work!

  32. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    Forbidden sounds amazing! I’ve only read a few in the series so far, but I’m going to have to start catching up. 😀


  33. Cathi Egli
    Cathi Egli at |

    I would love to receive this book!! I have read every book in the series and love it!!!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  34. Bobbi Kinion
    Bobbi Kinion at |

    I’d like to read this because I have not read any of Sandrine Gasq-Dion’s books yet and this looks really good! Thank you for the post and the giveaway. Email addy is bobbischleining@yahoo.com

  35. Sue Hickner
    Sue Hickner at |

    I love thus whole series and cant wait to find out what is going on with Elijah. He is my fav of the teens.

  36. Heidi Ryan
    Heidi Ryan at |

    I have read the book, ok, more than once in e book form. I am a complete assassin shifter junkie! Every time the newest book comes out I reread the entire series, ok maybe more than once. I love when they go live at midnight and I stay up and read the whole thing because I just cannot physically put the darn thing down! And you completely blow my mind at how you can put out so many completely new works so quickly. I am in awe! I will follow and grab these books and anything else you ever write sight unseen with no reservations. You have one hell of a gift for storytelling and all the characters are just so sexy. I have also become a junkie to the playlists in the book so I read them on my kindle while spotify runs on my computer so I can kick up the songs as they are mentioned. Brilliant! thanm@bellsouth.net p.s. you are also very fan friendly, and that means so much to me. When I had trouble with the download, you went above and beyond to help. thank you!

    1. Sandrine GAsq-Dion
      Sandrine GAsq-Dion at |

      Thank you so much for your kind words!! I was horrified at the mishap with the pre-order and have vowed to never let that happen again! The music from the books is such a joy! I love listening to a particular song as I write a scene and I think that also pulls the reader into my mind frame and that of the character!! I love my little Assassin-Shifter facebook family! You guys mean so much to me! <3

  37. Cecilia Rodriguez
    Cecilia Rodriguez at |

    I love the series and I’ve read every book you’ve written and look forward to reading and seeing all my favorite guys.

  38. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
    Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

    Thank you all so much!!

  39. michelle
    michelle at |

    Love this series. Cannot wait for the spin offs as well!

  40. Kylie
    Kylie at |

    I love this book series, each and everyone has been amazing. read it and loved it

  41. Elayne
    Elayne at |

    I was late to find these fabulous books, so am catching up as budget allows. I would love this book
    Because the whole series is fabulous, and I haven’t got it yet. Lol
    younela48@yahoo.co.uk. Elayne.

    1. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
      Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

      Thank you!!

  42. Laurel
    Laurel at |

    I loved this book just as much as I love all of your books. I will buy and read any book you write. I don’t need to win a copy of Forbidden but I would live one if the necklaces. Lol. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait till 12-25. My email is looney589@msn.com. Thank you

  43. Emily W.
    Emily W. at |

    I love this series, and I can’t wait to read the newest addition to it. I randomly found Sandrine’s books one day on Amazon, and I haven’t looked back since, and each one just gets better and better. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


  44. Veronica
    Veronica at |

    I have read all Sandrine stories, and I can’t wait to read the next stories and her new series, I would love a Salvatore Necklace, but, I’m in Australia so I really hope that went they go up for sale I will be able to purchase it and to be posted to Sydney 🙂
    angel_wingszzz@yahoo.co.uk Warm greetings.

  45. Tamela
    Tamela at |

    new to the series and can’t wait to read them all. love this genre

    1. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
      Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

      I will keep you updated on the necklaces. As soon as I am able to sell them again, I will post the link to my facebook page! Keep an eye out!

      1. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
        Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

        ooops, wrong thread! Anyway, thank you! *giggles*

  46. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
    Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

    I ship overseas!! 🙂

  47. Valery Rhodes
    Valery Rhodes at |

    Have read every book Sandy has put out! I am going to have to go back and buy them all on paperback since she quickly became one of my “keeper” Authors!!!

  48. Kristine Blumberg-Varner
    Kristine Blumberg-Varner at |

    I’ve read the book forbidden on my Kindle, and it’s awesome. Thrilling characters and a solid plot make this a must read! But I’d love to get my greedy little paws on one of those Salvatore necklaces. Even if I don’t win, I’d love to be updated when the necklaces go back on sale

  49. Sandrine Gasq-Dion
    Sandrine Gasq-Dion at |

    I will keep you updated on the necklaces. As soon as I am able to sell them again, I will post the link to my facebook page! Keep an eye out!


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