5 Responses

  1. Nephylim
    Nephylim at |

    I’ve loved this story since it was posted on Literotica. I was hooked on Dale. Now you point it out I would have liked Dale to fight a little harder for a little longer but hey… Keyno is sexy as hell and a real nice guy to boot. I enjoyed the whole Colt thing, especially the BDSM scenes and i’m more than happy that HE never stopped fighting 🙂 As for the pregnancy and birth…. The scene in the helicopter was OMFG 🙂

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Yeah, there was some definite hotness going on. And while some parts just didn’t sit well with me, there is a lot there to be enjoyed. I’m no doubt going to be picking up book two, because I do have to know what is going to happen to Dale.

  2. Maeve
    Maeve at |

    Love your reviews! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Like you, I’m disappointed when the tension and struggle is over too quickly and they fall into love bam. I’m also into exploring m-preg. This book certainly has an interesting idea. I like the forced aspect.

    I’ve only read one published m-preg that I’ve rated highly: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16003467-the-degan-incident
    I recommend that one. Other than that, the only other fantastic, unforgettable m-preg stories I’ve read have been… er… Inuyasha fanfic. (My geek is showing.)

    Do you have any m-preg recs?

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      I read Degan Incident when it came out…and it was good, though I thought the tension could have been helped by adding Bastian’s pov at some points. But it was really enjoyable and I keep reminding myself to pick up Colton’s next book in the series sometime soon.

      Odessa Lynne has a series that deals with some mpreg situations…though i can’t remember in which book it finally comes to a head–it might be the last one–but the books are pretty good. https://www.goodreads.com/series/88959-new-canton-republic

      “The Seahorse” was a cute fanfic(ish) with Jensen and Jared from Supernatural. You don’t really need to have seen the show, but it is an interesting free story. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11128896-the-seahorse

      “Iron Butterfly” is also a free online story. Really loved this one, though it took me a bit in the beginning to really get into it. Once I started to get all the characters straight in my head, it really started to take off. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12072288-iron-butterfly

      I’m actually in the middle of reading the sequel to this online story: “Fate”. Do be warned, though, this one had me is tears by the end. The second one is really looking good so far, as well. I am hoping that i don’t end up bawling after this one, as well, though. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10180166-fate

      Those are all I can think of right now. I think there might be a few more that I’ve read, but I really can’t remember them off the top of my head, and I wasn’t smart enough to put in a mpreg shelf on my goodreads account. Stupid me.

      Thanks for the response, though. Cheers! Have fun reading.

      1. Maeve
        Maeve at |

        Thanks for the links!


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