Reviewed by Danielle
TITLE: Crooked Tree Ranch
SERIES: Montana #1
AUTHOR: R.J. Scott
PUBLISHER: Totally Bound
LENGTH: 176 pages
BLURB: On the spur of the moment, with his life collapsing around him, Jayden Sullivan answers an ad for a marketing expert on a dude ranch in Montana. With his small family he moves lock stock and barrel from New York to Montana to start a new life.
Foreman and owner of a third of the ranch, ex rodeo star Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Todd has been running Crooked Tree Ranch. His partners in the business convince him that he needs to get an expert in to help the ranch survive. He knows things have to change and but when the new guy turns up, with a troubled family in tow – he just isn’t prepared for how much
Being a big fan of this genre and of the author Mrs R.J. Scott, I was extremely excited to have the chance to review this first book in a new series by this author.
In this story we meet Jay, a marketing guy who loses his job during a big layoff due to re-organisation.
As he is responsible for his family and providing for them, he needs to find a way to get a new job fast. His family consists of him, his sister Ashley and her two children, Kirsten and Josh.
Turning down a job offer set up by his former cheating, selfish, lover, he decides to pack up his stuff and his family and move to a ranch in Montana after accepting a job on The Crooked Tree Ranch (hence the title of this book). His job is to make the ranch profitable again by advertising, webpages etc.
At the ranch we have three brothers who share ownership. Luke, the youngest, is still in school getting ready to go to college. Gabe the middle brother is good with numbers and fixing things and Nate is a former bull rider who’s in charge of the horses and the day to day business.
When Jay and Nate meet for the first time, it is unexpected and highly strained yet you notice the observations they make about each other. Where Gabe seems to fall for Jay’s sister Ashley, Jay and Nate find their way towards each other slowly but steadily.
During the story we read and hear about family issues such as domestic abuse (Ashley by her ex-husband) and Gothic teenage rebellion ending in acceptance and opening up (through Kirsten). There is also youthful play, honest enthusiasm and normal child behaviour ( through Josh) as well as the fatherly influence and protectiveness (through Marcus and Sophia). All written very well, detailed and explainable.
Together both family’s find a way to make the ranch work better.
A few little things that came to mind. It takes quite a long time for Jay and Nate to meet and come together (as the same for the families) at the ranch. This didn’t disturb me as it is the first part in this series and I liked the details that were added in building this story. It is something that needs to be mentioned as it can be found to be distracting.
One thing that is very likable is the connection between not only the main characters but also the families. A thing Mrs. Scott is very capable of doing I can say from experience. Besides the main characters Jay and Nate you also feel the moments between Gabe and Ashley and even the youngsters Luke, Kirsten and Little Josh.
The only character/ person I had trouble with was Marcus. He confused me and left me not knowing what to think of him. One side he’s the kind of father figure to the boys but on the other side keeping secrets out of protectiveness or control and making his own rules leaves you with the feeling he had more control over the ranch than the brothers.
I am very happy to know there will be more coming in this new series and I’m very curious of what the author will provide us readers with. Will we get to see more Nate and Jay? Will Luke fall for Kirsten or go of to college or perhaps even the question if there is more to him than meets the eye? Or will ranch cook Sam, openly and proud gay, find his match?
Just to name a few things that I can come up with, thinking about new books that will be coming.
Summing this story up with one word? That would be Family.
BUY LINKS: Totally Bound
Danielle is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.
To read all her reviews, click the link: DANIELLE’S REVIEWS
NIce review Dani. I’ll have to catch up with this one