I have a secret: my favorite love story is “Beauty and the Beast,” and everything I’ve ever written is some variation on the theme.
Stockholm Syndrome aside, the takeaway of the story for me was always that you can find love no matter how flawed you might be. As the weird kid in high school who always ended up at the dance by herself, this was a powerful message.
(And when I say “weird kid,” I mean “kid who cosplayed the fourth Doctor to school on a regular basis, back in the 80’s when literally no one else in my entire school district had ever even heard of Doctor Who.”)
All of my characters are Beasts—people who desperately want to be loved, but are terrified they’re too flawed for anyone to ever actually do so. In Widdershins, Whyborne is a weird, socially-awkward guy who just wants to hide in his basement office and interact with books instead of people. He’s not comfortable in his body, he’s got bad hair, and he’s hyper-aware of every mistake he’s ever made in his entire life. So when he meets a handsome ex-Pinkerton named Griffin, a man of the world who is very much in touch with his physical side, Whyborne thinks, “Why would this fellow ever be interested in me?”
But Griffin is pretty messed-up, too. He’s got as much baggage as Whyborne, plus the stigma of having been locked away in a madhouse. Unlike Whyborne, Griffin does everything he can to hide what he considers his flaws. Deep inside, he knows eventually it will all come out, and when it does surely Whyborne will recognize him for the “beast” he is and leave.
Of course as the audience, we’re rooting for them to get past all this and see themselves and each other for who they really are. Because that’s the other message I took away from “Beauty and the Beast” as a kid: love can heal the wounds we inflict on ourselves.
And you know what? I really think it can.
~ Jordan L. Hawk
Some things should stay buried.
Repressed scholar Percival Endicott Whyborne has two skills: reading dead languages and hiding in his office at the Ladysmith Museum. After the tragic death of the friend he secretly loved, he’s ruthlessly suppressed any desire for another man.
So when handsome ex-Pinkerton Griffin Flaherty approaches him to translate a mysterious book, Whyborne wants to finish the job and get rid of the detective as quickly as possible. Griffin left the Pinkertons following the death of his partner, hoping to start a new life. But the powerful cult which murdered Glenn has taken root in Widdershins, and only the spells in the book can stop them. Spells the intellectual Whyborne doesn’t believe are real.
As the investigation draws the two men closer, Griffin’s rakish charm threatens to shatter Whyborne’s iron control. When the cult resurrects an evil sorcerer who commands terrifying monsters, can Whyborne overcome his fear and learn to trust? Will Griffin let go of his past and risk falling in love? Or will Griffin’s secrets cost Whyborne both his heart and his life?
Jordan L. Hawk grew up in the wilds of North Carolina, where she was raised on stories of haints and mountain magic by her bootlegging granny and single mother. After using a silver knife in the light of a full moon to summon her true love, she turned her talents to spinning tales. She weaves together couples who need to fall in love, then throws in some evil sorcerers and undead just to make sure they want it bad enough. In Jordan’s world, love might conquer all, but it just as easily could end up in the grave.
Jordan L. Hawk is giving away a free ecopy of her “Widdershins” to one lucky winner! All you need to do is leave a comment under this post, telling us why you are interested in reading this book. Don’t forget to leave an email ID through which we could get in touch with you, in case you win!!
One of my favorite authors. I already own Widdershins, already love it.
Thanks, hon! <3
my reason is: I met Jordan and her husband at GRL 2013; (they were both lovely). I like the person, and am sad to say, I had never read her work…would like to change that. (I planned to anyways)

Hey Jordan!
Hi MJ! I was fabulous hanging out with you at GRL.
I also have already got it, love it and I am REALLY WAITING FOR BOOK 3 NOW, Jordan, mmkay?
December 3rd! That’s less than a month!
I knew there was a reason I loved all your books! Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite as well, since well before the Disney version. That was actually the first song at our wedding, because everyone has some beauty and some beast, don’t they? Please don’t include me in the drawing as I already own this amazing book.
“That was actually the first song at our wedding, because everyone has some beauty and some beast, don’t they? ” OMG, that is so cool!!! And yes, I agree with the second part completely.
.This is the first time I heard of you but if what I read from the excerpt is anything to go by you have a new reader bibbiesparks@yahoo.com
Thank you so much, Toni!
I’ve read the first book and thought it was really good. I would love a chance to win the second of the series. Thank you for the giveaway =)
I tell you what: if the winner already has book one, I will happily give away book two instead. Sound fair?
I’ve heard tons of raves about WIDDERSHINS, which is enough to pique my interest!
Thank you, Trix!
First of all you had me at Tom Baker…I believe I was the the only one in a 3 county radius that knew what a Tardis was. This sounds like something I would like. A character that is on the outside, has mystery in it and magic. All things I love.
I had such a crush on Tom Baker as a teen. <3
I have never read Widdershins but I have heard of it. I love stories where the hero is a little different.
Thanks, Debra! Whyborne is certainly different all right.
I love the idea of Beauty and the Beast stories or…nerd and the beast.
The best part of characters and their development in romantic relationships are the flaws. I would really like to win the second book for a friend. We both already have the first.
Thank, Ash, and thanks for entering!
I loved Hainted and would love to read another of yours. That’s my reason!
I’m so glad you loved Hainted! <3
Magic and books is one of the reasons I want to read this story. The other is I love the cover and the word “Widdershins.” Everytime I’ve seen it it captures my attention.
Thanks for the cover love, Penumbra.
I read Hainted recently for a challenge, and I loved it! I can totally see the Beast as well as the Beauty in those two. Plus the world-building just blew me away. Anyway, I’ve been eyeing the Whybourne and Griffin series ever since I finished Hainted, so perfect opportunity! Thank so much.
Thanks, Ashley–I’m thrilled you enjoyed Hainted! <3
I love Sid’s Blog! I get to meet all these new authors!! I will be adding both books onto my TBR!!
As it happens my favourite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast too. I am adding both books to my wishlist as they both sound really good – besides I love the title of Widdershins, it’s such a great word
Thanks, Ilona! I was trying and trying to figure out what to call the town (not to mention the book,) and finally one day “Widdershins” just popped into my head.
Everything you’ve written sounds fantastic but I’ve not had the chance to read any of your books (tight budget) and I’d love to read .Widdershins. The summary sounds wonderful and anyone who can come up with a name like that for a town is bursting with creativity and imagination.
Beauty and the Beast was also my favorite favorite fairy tale.
Thank you, Andrea! I totally understand about the tight budget.
Aw! This sounds like such a cute book! LOL…
Please count me in!
Judi P
Thanks, Judy!
I mean Judi – sorry, I haven’t had my coffee yet and my fingers were faster than my brain!
Thanks everyone who commented! Random.org chose Penumbra’s comment as the winner. Penumbra, you should have an email in your inbox from me soon.
Thanks again!