An Interview With Christian and Kevin of Lost Won
The heroes of the third book in the Liaisons Series, Christian Blakely and Kevin McGuire, were willing to give me a quick interview—very quick if Kevin had anything to say about it—in support of the release of the newest title in the series: Fall Apart. I met up with them in a coffee shop not too far from where Kevin works (in the awesome world of my imagination). Here’s a bit of what we had to discuss.
SE: It’s good to see you two. You look…fit.
CB: *Winking* Kev keeps me exercised.
KM: God, please don’t say anything like that to her again.
CB: We live together now. Did you hear?
SE: I might’ve heard something about Kevin’s sister moving in with Jack, and you two moving all of Kevin’s things into your condo. Did you put the picture from the Marine Corps Ball on display?
KM: It’s on my desk at work.
SE: *Eyes wide* Seriously!? At work?
CB: Yep. We look hot, don’t we, babe?
*Kevin refuses to respond, but I think I see a smile.*
SE: Any new tattoos, Christian?
CB: Wouldn’t you like to know?
SE: Yeah. I would. I’d like to see them, too.
KM: Next question!
SE: Okay, sheeze. Take it easy.
*I stop to think…* Have you two met Damon and Alarik in the back of my mind?
KM: I met Damon. The guy can do a lot of pull-ups. Alarik is… What’s the word Christian? How would you describe him?
CB: Fancy. British. Double-oh Seven.
SE: So…that’s good?
CB: It’s great! *Sees Kevin’s scowl and straightens.* But, only if you like that sort of thing. And, you’re single. And, not in love like we are.
KM: *Rolling his eyes.* Yeah, only then.
SERIES: Liaison #4
BLURB: Dodging his ex, giving the Best Man speech, and smuggling home extra slices of wedding cake are Damon Wright’s only plans on his buddy’s wedding day. Capturing the attention of a renowned photographer with twice the sexual magnetism of James Bond doesn’t even make the list. Accustomed to a life spent keeping his head down, managing family obligations, Damon is unprepared for even a lukewarm pursuit, much less the hot, focused advances of a man like Alarik whose sophistication leaves Damon reeling.
Tired of the vapid, morally bankrupt and grasping fellows so common in his line of work, Alarik is through serving as just another step for mercenary men on the ladder to success. Damon’s kindhearted reserve excites a profound response within him, enticing him with the idea of an honest future. Compelled to dig beneath the surface in search of something lasting, Alarik can’t help but wonder if falling in love can be as easy as breathing.
Yet, fairytales don’t exist in the pace of real life; they disappear in shadow. Absorbed by the happiness of finding one another, Damon and Alarik never see the darkness coming…
RELEASE DATE: 28th October, 2013
BOOK LINK: Goodreads
S.E. Culpepper lives and works in Oregon. After graduating college in New Mexico, she served as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard for four and a half years before deciding to strike out on her own as a writer. S.E. is addicted to YouTube, reading, and chocolate, not necessarily in that order. In her free time, she visits parks with her son, studies for her Masters, and bakes. S.E. loves hearing from readers and she makes it a point to get back to them.
Author Links:
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Leave a comment to win a free ecopy of a Liaison book. The winner will be given a choice to pick any one of the four Liaison books to win.
Winners will be announced on 7th November, 2013!
Thank You for the interesting interview and the giveaway
This was cute! Thanks for sharing, SE
Thanks for the interview! Really like this series and looking forward to the new one.
Wow, what is the darkness coming? I want to know.
Fun character interview!
This is a great series and I was really surprised to find out a fourth book was coming out. I guess I think everything comes in threes but I’m glad I was wrong!
Congrats on the release of the latest in this series! I can’t wait to start it.
That was a really fast interview!
Thanks for sharing and the giveaway.
Great and quick interview. Thanks so much for giveaway and congrats on the latest publication =)
This series has just leapfrogged its way to the top of my to read list. Looking forward to reading them. I love a good series.
I love this series ! Looking forward to reading it :)Thanks so much for giveaway.
[…] Oct. 26: Sid Love […]
What a fun interview.
Please count me in for the drawing. Thanks!
Great interview. I laughed a lot in the last question.
Loved the interview, that was great! Thank you for it and for the giveaway.
This is a new series for me. But the character interview was great, and I can’t wait to find out more!
Please count me in. Thanks!
That was a fun and quick interview.
Love the cover and blurb for Fall Apart. Thanks for the giveaway!
I agree with the others, a fun interview with these two characters. Very different personalities. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
Count me in please, thank you mevalem258 (a t) gmail (d o t) com
Count me in, too. I’m early on into the series but I am just loving it! Thanks for this chance.
What a fun interview, but too short for me to get to know these guys. Oh, guess that means I have to read the book. Sneaky marketing genius at work here! Thanks so much for the chance to win!