Reviewed by Jen B.
TITLE: The General and the Elephant Clock of Al-Jazari
SERIES: The General and the Horse-Lord #2
AUTHOR: Sarah Black
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
LENGTH: 244 pages
BLURB: Fresh out of the closet, General John Mitchel and Gabriel Sanchez are settling into their new life together when an old army colleague taps them for a rescue mission to Tunisia. Eli and Daniel, two former Rangers working security, have been arrested in Carthage, charged with blasphemy and thrown into prison.
With rampant unrest in the ancient city and an old enemy targeting them, John gathers a team to liberate the two captive men. When he discovers Eli’s boyhood obsession with Al-Jazari’s Elephant Clock, the rescue becomes complicated and strangely beautiful, and John and Gabriel have to risk what they love the most to bring their team home.
Click here for the review on the first book in this series, The General and the Horse-Lord!
I fell in love with the General and the Horse-Lord in book 1, and those feelings picked right back up when I started this book. The love John and Gabriel have is so deep and strong, it is hard not to see and feel it.
This story starts out a little slowly as the John is now retired and finding his way. Gabriel is now an attorney, but John is feeling a bit lost. Kim and Billy are still living with the guys, and some time is spent on their activities. Abdullah also comes home and is in a relationship with Kim.
This really picked up for me when the General is called to DC to help retrieve two men who have been taken prisoner in Tunisia. He ends up having to head there without Gabriel as his backup due to a problem with Gabriel’s son, Juan, that he must take care of. Even though they are apart, the connection is still there, and it is only a matter of time before he makes the trip to take his position by John’s side.
The rest of the story is about the General and his newly-formed team working to get the recovered men home safely. If you’re looking for a sexfest, this isn’t it. These guys have such an amazing relationship, and that is never in question. This story shows them in action doing what they do best. Although there is some smexing, it really isn’t focused on.
I really enjoyed this story. It is as good as the first one, only better, without the heavy burden of Gabriel’s marriage, even though it is still being dealt with and mentioned here and there. This takes place in an Arab country, and I found the details to be very interesting and well done. The writing is smooth and moves along at a good pace. I was happy to see them accomplish their mission but was sorry to see the story end. I sense a slightly new career for the General in the near future and really hope we get to see more, as I don’t think I’d ever get tired of seeing the lives of the General and the Horse-Lord.
BUY LINKS: Dreamspinner Press
Jennifer B. is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.
To read all her reviews, click the link: JENNIFER B’S REVIEWS
Oh, goodie, so glad to hear this one is even BeTTer!! I just finished the first one and really liked it. (our reviews are linked, Jen) Can’t Wait to start this one. Great review!!
Thanks! The first General was my very first official review book, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to review the sequel.