Welcome to the blog of Sid Love. I feel very honored to have you stopping by here.
Thanks for having me.
We don’t often see an interview or guest post from you, though you are a fervent blogger with an very active website and reading group. Is there a reason you usually don’t do interviews?
The biggest element is time: I never have enough. So I have to pick and choose carefully what I can fit into my schedule.
Talking from experience I can say that your blog is a true pleasure to follow because it’s smart, interesting and funny but yours is quite special because of the phenomenal photographs you’ve taken and posted there. How come you are such a fantastic photographer? Did you study for it? And where does the passion for it come from?
Thanks for the compliment. I try to keep it interesting.
I’ve been studying photography most of my life. When digital became relatively cheap and common place, I took that as my cue to dive in. It’s far cheaper to download pics to a computer than take film in for developing. Over the years, I’ve developed my style, which is generally color-saturated and detailed. I like rich, deep colors in my pictures. As I was developing my photographic skill, I was also learning how to post-process in Photoshop. Taking a picture is only the first step. It’s what you do with it afterward that makes a photo special.
I spend much of my days immersed in words, either writing them or editing them. Turning to a purely visual hobby is restful and exercises a different part of my brain.
You have written quite a few different novels/stories. Do you have a preferred genre to write in?
My preferred genre is m/m, but if other characters start yelling in my ear, I tend to listen. I never want to limit myself in any way.
On top of being a writer, an amateur photographer and still working a day job, you are also known as a very good editor. How are you able to keep up?
Honestly? I have no idea.
You newest release ‘Blue River’ is coming from Dreamspinner Press on October 9th as a re-release. Why is it released anew and can you tell us something about it?
A much shorter version of Blue River was published by MLR Press a couple years ago. However, it was released as part of a mass presentation of holiday stories and got lost in the crowd. I thought the story deserved a wider audience, so I got my rights back, revamped the story, almost doubling its original length, and offered it to Dreamspinner. I’m very glad they accepted it. Here’s the blurb:
Photography genius Ethan Mars is out and living the fast life in Los Angeles until a mysterious mist in Topanga Canyon sends him back in time. There he meets Quinn Parker, a farmer who has hidden his homosexuality from everyone, even Margaret, his fiancée. Falling in love is the last thing Ethan expects, and the last thing Quinn can allow—in 1863, being gay can get him killed. When Ethan is unexpectedly offered a way home, he faces an impossible decision: go back… or stay?
I did a lot of research for this one. It seemed I was stopping every other sentence to check things out. Did they have toothpaste? What about toilet paper? How did they preserve food for winter? How did they kill a chicken for dinner? It was endless! And I loved every minute of it.
If I look at your blog I see another book coming this month called Transgression, another totally different book from what I can tell so far. Is there something you can or are willing to share on that one?
This is a case where I had two other stories already started, but a character insisted I stop work on them and tell her story. In Transgression, you meet Sky Kelly, a pre-op trans woman living in Los Angeles. You also meet Zach Fox, Ricky Giraldi, Liza Dabrowski, Gus Fischer, and Ethan Stonebridge. All of them are interesting, and half are hiding something.
This is different from anything I’ve written before. I loved writing this story, and I’m excited to hear what readers think.
Some of your books are published by a publisher ( dsp and mlr) while others you choose to publish yourself at Voodoo Lily Press, the publishing company you have with author, A.J Rose. How do you decide what to publish where?
I like Dreamspinner, so I hope to place a story there once in a while. But I also like the discipline of self-publishing. I’m kind of a control freak, and being able to handle or oversee every step of a manuscript from start to finish appeals to me a great deal.
Transgression will be self-published because it contains characters or storylines publishers may not want to accept. I am not limited in what I want to write if I self-publish. AJ and I take our self-pubbed works very seriously and release a professional product. It’s important to us that readers’ enjoyment of our titles is not lessened by bad covers or editing. To that end, we take great care to offer them the best book we can produce.
And do you find it hard for you and AJ to work so closely together, considering you’re both authors with strong personalities?
When AJ and I are writing, we’re in our own little worlds. Once in a while, we’ll share something about our story or ask for an opinion, but mostly, we save that for when neither of us is immersed.
Time to do the shorties
Favorite food? King crab. It’s expensive, so I don’t get it often, but I love it.
Favorite color? All the colors of the rainbow.
Favorite author? Oh, no! Not going there. I enjoy too many to choose only one.
Favorite book? Impossible to choose.
Favorite way to spend a day off? In bed. ‘Nuff said.
Favorite movie? Can people really choose only one?
Favorite music or song? I have many, but lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Hurts. Theo Hutchcraft has an incredible voice.
Favorite clothes? Anything comfortable, and the fewer, the better.
Favorite season? Summer. It will always be summer.
I’m curious to know who your biggest influences are. Not just writers, but others as well. Is there a particular teacher or family member that made a big difference in your life that you could tell us about?
My Uncle Dan is a big influence. I’m talking about life things. You know, the importance of being honest with yourself and others, and the value of friendship and having a strong sense of ethics. Whatever “goodness” is in me was nurtured and encouraged by family and close friends.
Do you have any other hobbies that people might find interesting?
I enjoy astronomy. Uncle Dan has a large telescope, and we use it whenever I’m at his place. I taught myself to play guitar years ago, and I sing fairly well. AJ is the piano player in the family, but I can play by ear. I’m pretty much interested in everything!
What can we expect from the author Theo Fenraven? What is in the works?
Another Precog book is in the works, though I might not get that out until next year. I have a couple of SF books in mind, and AJ and I are finally coming around to the idea of writing something together.
At the end of this interview I would like to ask you if there is anything else you would like to mention or share?
I want to thank my readers. Without you, there’s little point in getting published. I appreciate all of you, and I want to send special thanks to those of you who’ve sent me email or otherwise found a way to tell me how much you enjoy my stories. I love hearing from you.
Thank you so much for doing this interview !
~ As told to Danielle
Besides participating in this interview Theo kindly offered a give-away of his new release “Blue River”
If you want to enter leave a message below answering why you would like to read this book
CONTEST WILL END ON 13th October, 2013 @ 11:59 PM Central Time!!
I always liked time traveling books and this seems to be an interesting one
Great interview. It was fun getting to know you better. The blurb sounds interesting and time travel stories have always appealed to me.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
I always like that time-travel complication of two people from completely different worlds falling in love and having to figure out the logistics…
Liked the interview, always interesting to learning more about favourite authors. Dont enter me in the draw as I will be getting this anyway – Fen is one of my auto buy authors!
I have never met a book I did not like. I would love to like this one.
Theo Fanraven can really draw me into the story, so I’m looking forward to be transported to Topanga Canyon in 1863. That’s why I would like to read this book
I haven’t read a book by this author yet and I want to find out how the story ends.
Reblogged this on Theo Fenraven and commented:
In case any of you don’t have your copy yet, or know someone you’d like to give it to.
I am anxious to read this book. Theo is active in social media and when speaking to him you quickly realize you are talking to a bright, intelligent, insightful person. He has a lot to say and when you add creativity to the mix it practically sells itself.
I’m a sucker for time travel stories–I love the ‘man out of time’ aspect as well as the glimpse into the past. Make it M/M as well and you definitely have my attention!
Really enjoyed reading Theo’s interview. I follow him on his blog and have read a number of his stories. And OMG!! Him & AJ doing a book together would be amazing. I am totally on board for a copy of that when it happens. I would love a chance to win a copy of Theo’s latest book, but win it or buy it I will be reading it.
I’d like to win the book because time travel appeals to me and the blurb sounds great. More than that I’d like to thank you for this interview. It’s always nice to learn a little about an author whose work you admire.
The blurb sounds interesting. I’d love to read more. Please count me in.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a time travel book before but it sounds interesting. Thanks for the offer.
I love time travel stories. And I love photography! This book looks like a gem, I’d love to read it! Thank you!
Blue River sounds like a fascinating read. I love time travel books. The juxtaposition of past and present is so strong in them.
Time travel stories are one of my favorites. Blue River sounds just wonderful. I’m so glad I heard about it to add to my reading list. I loved hearing about Transgression, too. My interest is piqued! Thank you for sharing with us!