Make Like a Vampire or Flee
Part of my love for vampires stems from a rampant love of all things spooky. Oddly enough, I was actually pretty easily scared as a child. My sister Sam loved the Alien movies when we were kids. I, being the brave older sister that I was, usually preferred to vacate the living room at light speed. Don’t get me started on being stuck at a sleep over where they marathoned the Freddie Krueger movies. My mother was also fond of reading us Stephen King as bedtime stories. It was learn to love it or hide under the blankets the rest of my life.
So I went all in. My birthday is also in October. On the 13th. Let me tell you the hell I catch when that falls on a Friday. It once was on a blood moon, on a Friday. Somebody laughed and said, “You’re going to die.” (He later apologized, acknowledging that sounded funnier in his head)
I used to throw costume parties. These days I mostly make everyone watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. My fear of all things scary eventually became a love of all things scary (and an adoration of cheesy, silly, not so scary things). And vampires will always be one of my absolute favorite things (followed by demons. Followed by hunters. Somebody write me vampire/demon/hunter funtimes).
And I do like all permutations, from more ‘traditional’ Bram Stoker types, to psychic types, violent evil monsters, emo long-haired pretties. The best part of the LT3 collection is that the stories are all over the map. We’ve got a couple of vampire in clubs, vampires as part of society, vampires as monsters, and vampires in space. There’s even an ancient Egyptian vampire in there, how awesome is that? There was supposed to be a high fantasy type vampire story in there, but some loser went over the word limit (that she set, it’s a sad day when a publisher cannot follower her own rules, I’m telling you) so it did not make the cut. :3 But hey, there are plenty of other shinies to go around!
Now, I’m afraid, you’ve come nearly to the end of my brief burst of nonsense and must get back to school/work, or find some other way to avoid them (I strongly suggest buying some vampire books).
The giveaway for this post is the following: one lucky winner will get Bundle One free. Just leave a comment with a way to contact you, and tell me your favorite type of candy (in the spirit of Halloween. There are piles of it in all the stores and it’s driving me up the effing wall). Winner will be drawn Monday, October 7th.
The second half of our shiny Proud to be a Vampire collection:
Deadly is the Female – Where a boarding school for women is more than it seems, and the town is about to get a lesson on revenge.
Reborn – One vampire ignorant and afraid, the other dangerously unstable, but loyal to each other—until they are found by other vampires.
The High Lord–Hunter meets monster … except neither can tell which of them is the hunter, and which the monster
For the Sake of the Kingdom – A fantastic retelling of Snow White.
Drinker Class X – Where vampires are handled with pills, hot doctors, and lots of paperwork.
Rangers over Regulus – Space station + wild west + vampires = awesome.
The Memory of Blood and Lotuses – Ancient Egypt, rife with sand, pharaohs, priests, and vampires.
You can check out the entire collection (and buy in bundles for 15% off) at the LT3 site (and individually at all the usual suspects).
I hope everyone has a good rest of the week, and a wonderful weekend!
Meghan, Can I claim all candy as my favorite? Hmm, okay so that would be cheating I suppose. Caramels are my favorite and my family knows it too, so I usually claim to be on diet come candy centric holidays to stop them from buying it for me. Otherwise I’d be ginormous.
It has to be chocolate because sugar candy has never enticed me. But beyond the chocolate part I’m pretty open.
Thank you for the post and the giveaway.
aahickman at hotmail dot com
Hi Megan! I love anything chocolate but my favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. If they’re around, diet or no, I’m stuffing my face with them. Happy Birthday (early)!
I also like chocolates especially the kind with nuts.
My favorite candy for Halloween would be something with chocolate and nuts, so Snickers.
strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com
Hmm…I always loved Milky Way Darks, but now they’re a little too sweet for me. I’d go for the Trader Joe’s dark coconut caramel bar (shockingly addictive) and, when I’m feeling flush, Patric Chocolate’s PBJ OMG bar.
It’s not Halloween candy but my favorite is handmade chocolate truffles
In the spirit of Halloween, candy corn in my favorite. I also love any candy that shapes like a pumpkin. Finally, anything orange colored for Halloween. I wish I had some candy corn right now!
Oooh…favorite candy?well…I love chocolate…that’s a given…but I make a homemade candy around the holidays…I think they’re called buckeyes…whatever…they’re this peanut butter and powdered sugar mixture dipped in chocolate…and OHMIGAH…I’m in love with them…it’s the reason I only make them twice (maybe three times) a year…they are so good
I love smarties.
debby236 at gmail dot com
For “regular candy” it’s either a mounds or peanut m&m’s. But my favorite is dark chocolate. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love candy but my weakness is chocolate. I can’t just ever have one.My favorite are: peanut m/m (well…any chocolate covered nut will do), twix and milk duds.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
I like salty more than sweet so I’d choose chips or nuts over chocolate. Shocking I know.
kalimar2010 @
Halloween isn’t as big a celebration here so it’s mostly plain chocolate that we give away, if there are some kids who come by. I love chocolate, mild chocolate and well this time around we have pumking juice and this is my guilty pleasure for October
lyra.lucky7 at gmail dot com
My favorite is dark chocolate, usually wrapped around some type of nut. For Halloween candy, it’s those little snack Kit Kat bars. I don’t even buy them the rest of the year, but I love them during Halloween time.
Mmmm I like marshmallows…