All Whiny Vampires Will Be Asked to Leave
Hello to everyone! ^_^ My name is Megan, I am Head Minion at Less Than Three Press and I am here today to show off our shiny collection of vampire stories :3
Paranormal is very much a love/hate thing right now. Many of us are loving it (I am an ardent fan of Teen Wolf, the new Sleepy Hollow, and one of these days I need to catch up on Supernatural. My list of books is ridiculous), and others really really wish the rest of us would go away and take our werewolves and vampires and other creatures with us. I apologize profusely to that latter group, cause this post and tomorrow’s is aalllllll vampires.
Which I love. Even sparkles cannot ruin my love of vampires. I’ve read all the old books, I even made it through all the Anne Rice books (Armand was my favorite). I played the shit out of that one Castlevania game. I adore Vampire Hunter D. This list could go on forever. If I didn’t think my editor would smother me with a pillow I would write them even more than I already do. There is rarely a vampire that I completely hate.
That being said, I hate whiny vampires (How did I make it through Anne Rice, you ask? It was high school. Guess what made me really start hating whiny vampires). These days, if a book is about how much a vampire hates being a vampire, he’s a poor tortured soul(less) with a Tough Life, I quit.
This is what provoked the series being presented to you today and tomorrow, dear readers. My partners at LT3 allowed me to put forth a submission call that led to our Proud to be a Vampire collection. You will get vampires who are violent and gleeful, chill and just wanting some quiet, old vamps, new and still getting used to it vamps, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary, and even historical. But none of them are whiny about being card-carrying blood drinkers.
It’s a pretty awesome set, I must admit. Over the span of five weeks we will have eighteen stories for you—fifteen short stories and three novels. Fifteen are m/m, and three are f/f, because sexy lady vampires deserve love too (one of the earliest vampire novels ever was about a lesbian vampire, in fact).
And what fun is a post like this without a Giveaway? Because LT3 works in threes, on Monday, October 7th I will draw three winners, and each one will get to choose one Proud to be a Vampire ebook. Just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite vampires and a way to reach you ^__^
The first set of shinies in this collection include:
Danse Macabre – If you like your vampires dark, violent, and mobster-like, look no further.
To Serve the Count – A touch of old school for those who can’t resist a classic take.
The List – A modern-day type world where vampires fight for their rights as citizens.
Thicker than Water – A story set far in the future, where the world we know is long gone, and vampires are a very real evil.
Convergence – A tale of treasure hunting and the dangers that come with it.
Reprisal – Dead humans, dead vampires, drugs, and two reluctant cops forced to cooperate.
Bloody Kiss – School trips are not supposed to include statues that come to life and bite people.
Promise of Forever – A clueless vampire, a missing ex-boyfriend, and a guy who just wanted to be left alone.
Marked – Drugs, generally speaking, are bad. They’re even worse when something goes wrong and vampires are involved.
Death and the Lady – A club owner just wants to auction off humans in peace, but old friends aren’t quite ready to leave her alone.
The Taste of Her – The end of World War II, a woman in mourning becomes less than human in exchange for information about her dead lover
You can check out the entire collection (and buy in bundles for 15% off) at the LT3 site (and individually at all the usual suspects).
Tomorrow I will return to babble at everyone again :3 Many thanks for dropping by, and to Sid Love for having me. ^__^
Hi Megan! I looooove vampires too. And even though I read mainly m/m, my favorite vampire of all time is Wrath from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. He’s 6’9″, long black hair, leather and boots, and meaner than a pit bull with a thorn in its paw. Doesn’t get any better than that for me.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven’t read many vampire stories but a few of my favorite are Kaname from Vampire Knight, Louis from Interview with the Vampire, and Saya from Blood-C.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
I don’t read many vampire stories mostly werewolf shifters, but count me in please
I was never a big vampire buff–I’d say Lucien from Sean Michael’s LOVE IS BLINDNESS was the first to make me say “oh, *that’s* why people find vampires sexy!”
I’m a huge fan of the Dance with the Devil series, so it would have to be Dracula Desrosiers from Dance in the Dark. Who wouldn’t want a adopted father that was so protective, powerful and loving. Also, two other favorites are Andrew and Nicholas from Kallysten’s Demon Age series/Lullabies.
strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com
Oh yes, nothing like a whiny, oh poor me and my immortality, to make you want to scream, and not in the fun way. So it’s hard for me to pick any favorites, they are just too many.
cojazzchick AT yahoo DOT com
I read everything and just about anything. I would love to read some of these.
I like vampires that are at the top and fearless, but then are so clueless about things like love.
I love Wild Bill from the Channeling Morpheus series. And he is not a huge fan of being a vampire, no. Why should everyone be happy about being sterile, sucking blood, and never seeing the sun. Although I would love it, it’s not for everyone!
Vampires are HOT! Some of my favourites are Jonathan from Jordan C Price’s Hemovore, Clancy Marrowbone from KZ Snow’s Mongrel, Jonny & Kasey from Julia Talbot’s Codes & Roses and Megan Derr’s vampires in the Dance With the Devil series.
kalimar2010 @
I love Vampires but I haven’t read many lately the last one was a Vampire called “Kristair” in a Marguerite Labbe Trilogy it was a great story.
Favorite vampires? Well, who can resist Ward’s BDB, of course. I also love Patricia Briggs’s!
I like a lot of vampires from both TV and Books but I guess my favorite is whichever one I am reading/watching at the time.
I have to confess to love shifter more
but your Glass coffin story convinced me to give vampires a faire chance as well.
moonsurfer123 at gmail dot com
I just love vampires except the Twilight series.
Oh…I love me some vamps…the most recent I’ve read is probably my favorite…very scary…not the lovable kind…Soulless by T. Baggins…seriously a good historical/vampire/horror novel…I love that T’s vampires are not what we see a lot of…so good.
I like the vampires in the Dance with the devil and Dance in the Dark books
lyra.lucky7 at gmail dot com