17 Responses

  1. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    Hi Megan! I looooove vampires too. And even though I read mainly m/m, my favorite vampire of all time is Wrath from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. He’s 6’9″, long black hair, leather and boots, and meaner than a pit bull with a thorn in its paw. Doesn’t get any better than that for me.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I haven’t read many vampire stories but a few of my favorite are Kaname from Vampire Knight, Louis from Interview with the Vampire, and Saya from Blood-C.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  3. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    I don’t read many vampire stories mostly werewolf shifters, but count me in please 🙂


  4. Trix
    Trix at |

    I was never a big vampire buff–I’d say Lucien from Sean Michael’s LOVE IS BLINDNESS was the first to make me say “oh, *that’s* why people find vampires sexy!”


  5. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    I’m a huge fan of the Dance with the Devil series, so it would have to be Dracula Desrosiers from Dance in the Dark. Who wouldn’t want a adopted father that was so protective, powerful and loving. Also, two other favorites are Andrew and Nicholas from Kallysten’s Demon Age series/Lullabies.

    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  6. Issa
    Issa at |

    Oh yes, nothing like a whiny, oh poor me and my immortality, to make you want to scream, and not in the fun way. So it’s hard for me to pick any favorites, they are just too many.

    cojazzchick AT yahoo DOT com

  7. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    I read everything and just about anything. I would love to read some of these.

  8. Books On Silver Wing (@silverwingz888)

    I like vampires that are at the top and fearless, but then are so clueless about things like love.


  9. Urb
    Urb at |

    I love Wild Bill from the Channeling Morpheus series. And he is not a huge fan of being a vampire, no. Why should everyone be happy about being sterile, sucking blood, and never seeing the sun. Although I would love it, it’s not for everyone!

  10. Kat
    Kat at |

    Vampires are HOT! Some of my favourites are Jonathan from Jordan C Price’s Hemovore, Clancy Marrowbone from KZ Snow’s Mongrel, Jonny & Kasey from Julia Talbot’s Codes & Roses and Megan Derr’s vampires in the Dance With the Devil series.

    kalimar2010 @ gmail.com

  11. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    I love Vampires but I haven’t read many lately the last one was a Vampire called “Kristair” in a Marguerite Labbe Trilogy it was a great story.

  12. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    Favorite vampires? Well, who can resist Ward’s BDB, of course. I also love Patricia Briggs’s!

  13. felinewyvern
    felinewyvern at |

    I like a lot of vampires from both TV and Books but I guess my favorite is whichever one I am reading/watching at the time.

  14. Anas
    Anas at |

    I have to confess to love shifter more 🙂 but your Glass coffin story convinced me to give vampires a faire chance as well.

    moonsurfer123 at gmail dot com

  15. Toni Whitmire
    Toni Whitmire at |

    I just love vampires except the Twilight series.

  16. Crissy M
    Crissy M at |

    Oh…I love me some vamps…the most recent I’ve read is probably my favorite…very scary…not the lovable kind…Soulless by T. Baggins…seriously a good historical/vampire/horror novel…I love that T’s vampires are not what we see a lot of…so good.


  17. Lyra L
    Lyra L at |

    I like the vampires in the Dance with the devil and Dance in the Dark books 🙂

    lyra.lucky7 at gmail dot com


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