15 Responses

  1. Enter to win a free copy of the eBook of “The Second Mango” | Shira Glassman

    […] Enter to win a free copy of the eBook of “The Second Mango” […]

  2. A.B. (@ballewal)
    A.B. (@ballewal) at |

    The format in which you’d prefer to read the book, in case you win*: Kindle
    Message to the author: Great job! I hope there are many more books to come.

    1. Shira
      Shira at |

      I’m not sure I can actually get that from Kristi (although I’ll ask, if you win!) The ones I definitely know I can get are pdf, ePub, mobi, and html. And of course, I could be completely wrong — everything I know about eBooks I’ve learned on the job as a recently published author, not as a reader. I think I’ve read maybe three eBooks total. Nothing against them, of course.

      Also, thank you for the compliment. There is a book two and I will go back to book three when I have a chance to do some historical research about massage oils 😛

      1. sidlove
        sidlove at |

        Shira, a kindle format is nothing but either a mobi or prc 🙂

  3. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    THis book looks intriguing. I loved reading about it.

    1. Shira
      Shira at |

      Glad you enjoyed the post!

  4. Tobi Grantham
    Tobi Grantham at |

    The format in which you’d prefer to read the book, in case you win*: Paperback for preference if I am honest…but .mobi (for Kindle) would be absolutely great.

    Message to the author: An interesting idea. I admit to only having heard of your novel in passing and hadn’t given it a great deal of attention, but having read your blog entry above I find myself…intrigued. Good luck with any further projects you might have in the works.

    1. Shira
      Shira at |

      Thank you! If you do win, I hope you like it.

  5. Trudy Becker
    Trudy Becker at |

    Anything that works with a KindleFire HD would be best. This book’s concept just seems like so much fun!

  6. photoluv60
    photoluv60 at |

    This looks very interesting

  7. Arabella
    Arabella at |

    Hello Shira. Excellent post! I am a (aspiring) writer, and a lot of what you wrote really resonated with me. Self-doubt makes me self-conscious about my writing, which eventually causes me to abandon story ideas for fear that they aren’t good enough. I’m glad that you were able to overcome your own doubts to write ‘The Second Mango.’ From what I’ve read both here and from the previews at Amazon it sounds pretty intriguing and I’m excited to see that there is a sequel planned. I think you did a good job creating warm, believable characters whom the reader will identify with. It makes me happy to see authors who have struggled with the same issues I face become successful. Reading your post inspired me to dust off some old stories I’d started but never finished. Maybe there’s hope for me after all! :p

    1. Arabella
      Arabella at |

      Sorry! Forgot the required info-
      Email: wilderwold@yahoo.com
      Preference: Either ePub. or mobi. is fine.


  8. Ashe
    Ashe at |

    email: idonotthinkiwould@gmail.com
    preference: pdf

    I read the amazon preview, and it was amazing! I really really really want to read this book. 🙂
    The Second Mango came to my attention through bisexual-books on tumblr. Thank you for writing a positive bi character.

    1. Shira
      Shira at |

      Oh, my gosh, thank you. I hope you like it if you win, and I also hope you’ll still buy it if you don’t 😛 Aviva being bi means a lot to me, although most of the reasons why are somewhat spoilery. I’m waiting to hear back if they’ll take my second book, which centers on a bisexual prince “from next door”, so hopefully they’ll let me tell more stories about bisexual people who are neither depraved nor greedy nor flaky.

      …I’m actually planning on writing a big ‘bisexuality and my writing’ blog post soon; I’m talking to the bisexual-books people about putting it up on there. Stay tuned. 🙂

  9. sidlove
    sidlove at |

    Ashe has been picked as a winner for this contest. Congratulations!! Your copy will be sent to you soon. In case, you don’t receive it, kindly contact me.


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