6 Responses

  1. Ilhem
    Ilhem at |

    *claps enthusiastically*

    Bravo! Wonderful review, gals! You’re both tough cookies, lol!

  2. Katinka
    Katinka at |

    Haha, Ilhem!

    Shell was a bit tougher than me. I envy her. Good thing you didn’t have to see my face during the fist action. XD

    1. Ilhem
      Ilhem at |

      Of course I wish I could have seen your face!

  3. shelley
    shelley at |

    Hahaha! I only masked my horror by thinking of the ridiculous and this wasn’t my first experience ya know. So bless her Ilhem, I did have an unfair advantage.

  4. elizabetta100
    elizabetta100 at |

    Awesome review. This one is a real BDSM rite of passage all right. Glad to see you survived the ummmm… immersion!

    1. loederkoninginkatinka
      loederkoninginkatinka at |

      Not sure if I’d like to immerse myself in the fisting business again anytime soon though!:p


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