10 Responses

  1. Heather C
    Heather C at |

    Lovely review! This one looks good but I do worry about the German

    1. sidlove
      sidlove at |

      Thanks Heather and now that Anyta has put up glossary in the ebook for the German words, I guess, you can go ahead and get this one! 😉

  2. Anyta
    Anyta at |

    Thanks for the review. Also for the German language feedback. I am going to update the electronic file and I’ll add in a glossary of terms at the beginning. That should be up on amazon in a couple of days. 😉

    1. Heather C
      Heather C at |

      Ooh, that’s a perfect idea, Anyta!

      1. Anyta
        Anyta at |

        Done! The kindle book is now available with the glossary. Cheers. 🙂

    2. sidlove
      sidlove at |

      That would definitely work, Anyta. Loved this book!

  3. Dani
    Dani at |

    great review Sid makes me really curious !

    1. sidlove
      sidlove at |

      Oh curiosity always kills the cats like us!! So, better to buy it already than to be curious for too long!! 😛

  4. andrewqgordon
    andrewqgordon at |

    Well you know how partial I am to Anyta’s works, so thanks for sharing this Sid. You totally captured her work when you talk about her gift to give you the scene so effortlessly. Great Review.


    1. sidlove
      sidlove at |

      😀 I know you are!! But she deserves to be complimented for her works! Thanks Andy


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