7 Responses

  1. Dani
    Dani at |

    loved your review Heather you made me all excited
    and i read strawberries for dessert but not the rest can you as a fan tell me in wich order i should read everything ? ( incl Strawberries )
    Thanks Dani

    1. sidlove
      sidlove at |

      There are only two books Daan. First is Strawberries for Dessert and now the second is about to release which is this one 🙂

    2. Heather C
      Heather C at |

      Thanks Dani! This is one of my favorite series. This is the second book that has Jon and Cole as the main characters….the same MCs from Strawberries. Look here to see the other books in the series. They aren’t required, but I recommend them 🙂 Jon and Cole make appearances.


  2. Dani
    Dani at |

    no no she is mentioning Ato Z and promisses So i want to read in the correct order ending with this I know what i am asking sid 😛

    1. Heather C
      Heather C at |

      Oooh! She set you straight Sid! (Well, not really hehe!)

      I commented in another post Dani

  3. Macky
    Macky at |

    Fabulous Review Heather. I adore Cole and John. You’ve really got me dribbling in anticipation now! Eeeeeeew that sounds awful… I meant drooling. Lol. 😀 In fact I adore this series. *sigh*

    1. Heather C
      Heather C at |

      Ewwwwww! Macky, I’m trying to decide if that is TMI lol


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