10 Responses

  1. Ami
    Ami at |

    Well, I always think Kaje Harper who moderates YA LGBT Books Group on Goodreads as someone I highly respect because she supports and nurtures those involves in writing/reading YA LGBT Books.

    LGBT young adults are important aspect of the queer community, am I right? And I think she will be a great candidate for you 🙂

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Thank you, Ami! I didn’t even know that about Kaje!

  2. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I will enjoy helping you breathe new life into your blog. I am following now. I try to support as many LGBT things I can. I do this in support of my daughter and her wife who face battles every day.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Wonderful, Debra! Thank you!

  3. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for the post and your endeavor to showcase community within the lgbtq+ community. There are a lot of great authors that write diverse stories. I think it’ll be nice if you showcased smaller publishing presses like Ninestar and JMS Press for their diverse selection on stories.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Thank you, H.B. Very good idea. I’ll investigate the possibility.

  4. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Great of you to support community, and to recognize it can also have its downside. I grew up in Texas and remember having to tell my “community” of friends that I was offended by the African American jokes they were telling. This was way back when, before lgbtq+ was even phrased, and in the closet. But I resolved in HS to “break down walls,” and you’ve got a great list of authors coming up that are doing just that.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Thanks, Purple! 😉 If you think of any additions to the list of possibles, let me know, okay?

  5. ELF
    ELF at |

    Fantastic idea! I second the support of Kaje for all she does to support the community.

  6. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I think featuring new authors to the ‘genre’ will give all of us a chance to look at the world from fresh sets of eyes.

    Good luck!


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