4 Responses

  1. Susan
    Susan at |

    I started off reading the classics of sci fi and never found myself either! I’m so thrilled to find more inclusive tales. Good luck with the series!

  2. susana
    susana at |

    Thank you for the post and the excerpt. I love sci-fi, so this is going to become a must read for me!

  3. 16forward
    16forward at |

    A spreadsheet in self-defense of nit-picking editors! I love it! What a great idea… I wonder if I can do something similar for writing reviews? I’ll have to ponder that idea some more.

    As far as the story…I think it’s great that the ship is characterized as a woman… Just a many cars are… I wonder why that is…

  4. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for the post and excerpt!


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