15 Responses

  1. dee
    dee at |

    I think you answered this in part in other posts, but maybe you could elaborate?
    Concerning guest posters (not blog tours), do you approach the authors or do the authors approach you? How about the topics? Are the authors free in choosing them or do you ask them to write about a certain topic?

  2. Tanja
    Tanja at |

    I have a question, well several all about audiobooks. Audiobooks are released after the ebook and printed version. If you review an audiobook have you read the book first? Does the audiobook change your opinion of the book? How much, if at all, does the narratior have an influence on how you experience the book? Do you have a favorite narrator?

  3. Sandy
    Sandy at |

    If you’ve committed to a review, how much further do you make yourself go into a book that you would normally DNF? How obligated do you feel to try harder to finish? And what usually makes you say “that’s it – no more!”?

  4. Angela
    Angela at |

    This question is for all the reviewers:
    Do you read a book differently if you are reading it for a review on Love Bytes than when you are reading a book just for your pleasure and not for a review? If so wich reading do you prefer?

  5. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    I’d love to learn how you manage the polls. Do you have an app or software that tracks everything (which books to included, the votes etc)? Or is it more of a manual process?


    P.S. I enjoy voting in the polls.

  6. Trix
    Trix at |

    What was your gateway book to m/m (either the first one you read, or the first that made you fall in love with the genre)?

  7. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    I often struggle with keeping my reviews short (as this comment will show :-). As Churchill said, it takes more work to write a short speech. So how do you do that and still be substantive and have all the good juicy things readers want to know? (such as, do you have word limits, and how do you meet them?)

  8. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I’m pretty sure this question wasn’t asked yet but is there a process/routine you do before you start the process of reviewing a book and does it differ from when you’re reading for pleasure?

  9. Ami
    Ami at |

    I hope this question hasn’t been asked … this is for all of the reviewers 🙂

    I am curious with how you write down your review is all about, especially for blog (I find myself writing reviews differently when I write for blog and when I write for Goodreads for example)

    I mean, do you read the book until the end and immediately write review, or you wait for few days to mull your thoughts, or maybe you jot down your thoughts as you read to be included in the review?

  10. waxapplelover
    waxapplelover at |

    I don’t think this has been asked before, but if it has, please point me in the direction. Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂 When a book comes up for review, especially one that may be highly anticipated, how do you decide which reviewer gets it? And what happens if there is a book that no one is really that interested in?

  11. susana
    susana at |

    I do not know if this question has been asked/answered, but I’m intrigued because I do some amateur review at goodreads and I’m always at a struggle to find time for it. So how does being a reviewer fit in your every day life? Do you have other jobs, or do you work exclusively as reviewers? If you have another job, is it hard to find time to review? Thanks.

  12. ELF
    ELF at |

    Have any of you reviewers been bitten by the bug to write your own stories? Happy anniversary to you!

  13. Toni
    Toni at |

    What’s your favorite part of reviewing? Either specific to Love Bytes or in general. Thanks!

  14. Carolyn
    Carolyn at |

    I was wondering, what do you consider essential parts of a review? And do you have a favorite review you’ve done and could share a link? On a personal note, reading all these books and talking about them, do you ever think you could write one?


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