A warm welcome to author Christine d’Abo joining us today to talk about new release “Working It”.
Christine talks about the book and brought a giveaway to participate in!
Welcome Christine
Hello my name is Christine d’Abo and I’m an erotic romance author of both het and LGBTQ stories. Thank you so much for having me here today, and giving me an opportunity to talk about my upcoming M/M romance novel, WORKING IT.
The Ringside Gym is the lifeblood that runs throughout this series. It’s the spot that provided a place for three troubled teens to vent their frustrations. In the ring, they can be as angry as they need to be, so they can face their demons in the outside world.
Ringside Gym is the touchstone for Zack, Max and Eli, three friends who met early in their lives and who continue to fight through their personal battles. With the original owner deceased, the gym has been abandoned, a memory of long ago.
For Zack Anderson, one of the heroes in WORKING IT, seeing Ringside Gym in disrepair is too much for him to handle. He’s got a plan to bring the gym back to life, to offer kids like him the chance to work through their own teen troubles. All he needs is some help to get where he wants to be. Too bad he’s too stubborn to ask for what he needs.
Do you have a place from your childhood that’s important to you? What would you do to help preserve that spot?
About Working It
Nolan Carmichael is getting a fresh start—new career, new company, new life. The only problem is, he liked his old life just fine . . . until an accident robbed him of his health, his job, his self-confidence, and his ability to go out in public without having anxiety attacks.
Zack Anderson has scared away his last four executive assistants. So when he hires Nolan on a whim, he’s not too worried, since Nolan will be gone within the week anyway. Two weeks later, Nolan has made himself indispensable, completely reforming Zack’s schedule, life . . . and libido.
But in a company already torn by internal politics, one wrong step could ruin both their careers. And not only are they working to reopen Ringside Gym, Zack’s retreat when he was a troubled teen, but they also can’t help themselves falling for each other. If only the rest of their lives could go as smoothly as things do when they’re alone together.
Now available:
About Christine d’Abo
A romance novelist and short story writer, Christine has over thirty publications to her name. She loves to exercise and stops writing just long enough to keep her body in motion too. When she’s not pretending to be a ninja in her basement, she’s most likely spending time with her family and two dogs.
Connect with Christine:
- Website: christinedabo.com
- Blog: christinedabo.blogspot.ca
- Facebook: facebook.com/AuthorChristinedAbo
- Twitter: @Christine_dAbo
- Tumblr: christinedabo.tumblr.com
- Pintrest: pintrest.com/christinedabo
- Goodreads: goodreads.com/christine_d_abo
To celebrate the release of Working It, one lucky winner will receive a $25 Riptide Publishing credit! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on February 11, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!
Congratulations on the new release Christine. I like the subject of the book. Helping preserve a spot that means a lot to you and to give other children the same opportunities.
If I would have to choose a favorite spot of my childhood it would be the small stream near my parents’s house, the house where I was born. When I was young it used to freeze over (nowadays not so much anymore) and I learned to skate on that stream. Happy memories.
tankie44 at gmail dot com
Congratulations on your new book! It sounds great and I’ve added it to my wish-list. In answer to the question that you’ve posed, I planned for a very long time to save the house that I grew up in but sadly it was not to be. A long story but suffice it to say that legal blockades and the development of the surrounding properties made it impossible.
Thanks so much for sharing and for offering a Giveaway!
I love blog hops. You really get a taste of the book. Looking forward to reading this one.
debby236 at gmail dot com
I grew up on a small farm in South Dakota. Unfortunately much of it has been sold and many of the building torn down to make room for more crops. The one-room-country school house I attended is also gone.
I can only go there in my memories and when looking at old photos. ‘You Can’t Go Home Again’ may be the title of an old book but it applies in so many cases. I’m passing these memories on to my children.
Congrats and good luck with the new release. I have added it to my list of must reads. Any time someone is involved in trying to help kids is a great thing. my favorite thing isn’t so much a place as a teacher I once had who did everything she could to help kids with problems whether they be at home or school.
heath0043 at gmail dot com
I can’t think of one offhand, though I miss the old library building in my town (the new one looks so sterile).
The place I loved the most as a kid was my Grandmother’s small farm. Unfortunately, it has long since been sold.
Congrats on the release of “Working it”.
Thinking about a favourite spot from my childhood, I have to say that all the places I liked to play have been remodelled to some extend. They are not as I remember them.
On the other hand, I moved to my current home town more than ten years ago and it has a beautiful botanical garden. I love to spend time there. I follow discussions and changes closely and if the time comes that the city considers selling it, because building land is rare in the city, I will take a stand.
kragthang [at] aim [dot] com
I grew up in a small town, all of it is important for me, but there’s no special spot. I would do many things to protect my home town, but I know change is unavoidable, so it won’t remain the way I like it forever…
Congratulations on the release, Christine. It sounds really good
Hi, Christine!
Though I don’t have any place in mind that I would want to preserve, there is something that I know any adult would want, it is to preserve their childhood. Go back in time & be a child again with no bills to pay & no problems to bear.
Thanks for coming by to Love Bytes! <3
One place that I would want to preserve from my childhood is the campground where we spent many summers. The best I can do is make sure I’m taking care to leave it in as good or better shape as it was when we arrived when we’ve been there to camp.
I don’t know, the riverside I guess. I went with my friends there a lot when I was a teen and I still go but not as often as before.
Not really, no. I usually stayed at home as a child or went to the library and the library near my childhood home hasn’t changed much even through the many renovations it wen through.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
we moved around a lot when I was a child….nowhere really spoke to me
Congratulations on the new release Christine :)Can’t wait to read it!
I grew up in a big town and all the places I liked to play as a child have been remodelled. If I would have to choose a favourite spot of my childhood it would be ZOO and a city Botanical garden.
Thanks for coming by to Love Bytes!
Thanks for the post! My hometown library, I suppose. Thankfully it’s still standing and hasn’t changed much either. violet817(at)aol(dot)com
Congratulations on the new release! I can’t wait to read this book. Thank you. ree.dee.2014 (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for your post and congrats. Sounds like a great story. Childhood can hold both good and bad memories, so asking about a favorite place is nice. For me it’s Lost Creek that ran behind my home in Dallas, and so far it’s not yet been at risk of needing preserved.
– TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com