A warm welcome to authors L.A Witt & Marie Sexton joining us today to talk about the re-release of their title Roped In.
Welcome Lori & Marie
Hello, everybody. Marie and Lori here, talking about our upcoming release, Roped In, a hot little “opposites attract” novella about a rodeo roper and an animal rights activist. Today, I (Marie) decided to hold Lori down and force her to answer a few questions.
Marie: All the horse info in Roped In came from you (since I know nothing). Tell us about your experiences/history with horses.
Lori: I learned to ride around the same time I learned to walk. My very first horse show ribbon is dated a few months before my third birthday. Granted it was a leadline class (where my mom led the horse), but I’d been riding on my own before that point. I distinctly remember being annoyed that my mom had to lead the horse, actually, because I could handle him just fine on my own. My family raised Morgans for most of my life, and I had my own show horse from the time I was about twelve. So…you could say I’ve spent my fair share of time working with horses, which definitely helped pave the way for some of the scenes in Roped In.
Marie: Our story features an animal rights activist who frequently protests at rodeos. Which side of that protest would you be on? Alternately, have you ever been tied up by an animal rights activist? Or would you rather do the tying?
Lori: While I’m totally on board with things like horse shows, I tend to agree with animal rights activists who oppose rodeos. I’m very much opposed to things like bronco and bull-riding because of how the animals are treated, and I’m not a big fan of roping events for the same reason. For the record, I am opposed to maltreatment of animals at horse shows. The things they do to Tennessee Walkers, for example, are appalling. I’m fine with showing horses as long as the animals are not mistreated.
As for tying or being tied, well, that depends on the animal rights activist.
Marie: Name one irrational phobia you have.
Lori: Ladders. I discovered this particular phobia while I was thirty feet up on a ladder, so that was…unpleasant.
Marie: Where would you go for your next vacation if money and time were no issue?
Lori: Easter Island. I’ve been trying to go there for years, and just haven’t been able to make it happen yet. In the meantime, though, I’m rather enjoying making frequent trips to London. Normally, I’m not a fan of big cities, but I’m quite fond of that one.
Marie: If you could solve one historical mystery or unsolved crime, which would it be?
Lori: Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
And bringing things back to our book, Roped In: what was your favorite thing, either about the story itself, or about writing it?
Well, I’m never going to shy away from a story that lets me write about horses to a certain extent, because… horses. This one was especially cool because it was my first time co-writing with Marie, which was insanely fun!
There you have it! The things you undoubtedly most want to know about Lori. Keep following our blog tour to see what happens when Lori turns the tables on me.
And check out Roped In.
About Roped In
Graham and his roping partner, Jackson, have been friends since they were boys. They’ve ruled the rodeo scene for ten years running, but lately, Graham’s heart isn’t in the game. He’s tired of the bruises, the cowboy mentality, and the animal rights activists who picket every event. He’s also tired of being in love with Jackson, and nothing’s been the same between them since their disastrous drunken encounter the year before.
Then Graham has a run-in with one of the rodeo protesters, and everything changes. Kaz is young, idealistic, and sexy as hell. But he’s also a know-it-all, animal-loving vegan, bent on saving the world one cow at a time. They have next to nothing in common, but Graham can’t stop thinking about what might happen if they can stop butting heads long enough to give it a try. Unfortunately, no matter how attracted Graham is to other men, he always panics and runs when the clothes start to come off. But Kaz has an idea for getting Graham past his nerves and into bed.
All they need is a bit of rope.
(Note: This is a re-edited second edition of a previously published title.)
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About Marie Sexton
Marie Sexton lives in Colorado. She’s a fan of just about anything that involves muscular young men piling on top of each other. In particular, she loves the Denver Broncos and enjoys going to the games with her husband. Her imaginary friends often tag along.
Marie has one daughter, two cats, and one dog, all of whom seem bent on destroying what remains of her sanity. She loves them anyway.
Connect with Marie:
- Website: MarieSexton.net
- Twitter: @MarieSexton
- Facebook: facebook.com/MarieSexton.author
- Goodreads: goodreads.com/MarieSexton
About L. A. Witt
L.A. Witt is an abnormal M/M romance writer who has finally been released from the purgatorial corn maze of Omaha, Nebraska, and now spends her time on the southwestern coast of Spain. In between wondering how she didn’t lose her mind in Omaha, she explores the country with her husband, several clairvoyant hamsters, and an ever-growing herd of rabid plot bunnies. She also has substantially more time on her hands these days, as she has recruited a small army of mercenaries to search South America for her nemesis, romance author Lauren Gallagher, but don’t tell Lauren. And definitely don’t tell Lori A. Witt or Ann Gallagher. Neither of those twits can keep their mouths shut . . .
Connect with L.A.:
- Website: loriawitt.com
- Author Blog: gallagherwitt.blogspot.com
- Personal Blog: navywifeadventures.blogspot.
- Twitter: @GallagherWitt
- Facebook: facebook.com//L-A-Witt-MM-Fiction
- Goodreads: goodreads.com/GallagherWitt
To celebrate the release of Roped In, Marie and L.A. are giving away $20 in Riptide Publishing credit plus one ebook from each of their backlists. Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on June 25, 2016. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!
I read this as soon as it came out. Great read! I can’t wait for more about Jackson.
Congrats on another brilliant book!
I have to say that Riptide is an amazing publisher. They have such wonderful books. thanks
debby236@ gmail dot come
I love both writer’s books, so this is a must read for me. Thank you for the interesting interview!
love it when authors I like solo team up – looking forward to this one!
Love this cover!
Great interview ladies
I’m not crazy about ladders either…
That should be vitajex(at)aol(dot)com
LOL! Great interview – you guys make a great team! sxswann(at)gmail(dot)com
Looking forward to reading this book.
Congrats on the re-release, Lori & Marie. Loving that new cover too. Good luck with blog-hopping.
puspitorinid AT yahoo DOT com
Two of my favorite authors! Together! It’s like Christmas.
Thank you for the interview! Congrats on the re-release!
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
congrats! sounds like a great read
love it and cant wait to read
jmarinich33 at aol dot com
I loved this book! I read it in one sitting. I haven’t read a bad book yet by these to authors. I sure hope there is a second book for Jacksons story
Thanks for a great interview!
[…] 21, 2016 – Prism Book Alliance June 21, 2016 – GGR-Review June 21, 2016 – Love Bytes Reviews June 21, 2016 – Alpha Book Club June 22, 2016 – Book Reviews and More by Kathy June […]
I enjoyed the interview. Thank you for sharing.
ree.dee.2014 (at) gmail (dot) com
I like both authors’ works, I’m sure I iwll like this book too.