34 Responses

  1. Lisa S
    Lisa S at |

    I like to see more posts with stories about characters who are ACE or demisexual, or pansexual since these seem to be less common than traditionally gay or bisexual characters.

  2. felinewyvern
    felinewyvern at |

    Even more great prizes. Thank you to everyone who is so generously providing them.

  3. waxapplelover
    waxapplelover at |

    Theme weeks are fun. And I love learning more about authors, even things like how to pronounce their names. 🙂

  4. susana
    susana at |

    I like anthology weeks, and theme weeks as well (friends to lovers or enemies to lovers weeks). I also like it when a week is dedicated to a writer I love and get to revisit all his/her books… 😉

  5. debby236
    debby236 at |

    I like themes. Invite authors to present a post based on a them.

  6. Sula
    Sula at |

    Character/author interviews, theme weeks, back list/older books/lesser known authors features.

  7. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    I would like to see as extra a week of bad boys , paranormal, May to Dec. and others.

  8. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I enjoy anthologies but always feel like the stories are too short! I get into the characters and the storyline and then it is over. I guess that’s why I like series so much.

    If I had to choose between the two, I’d go for specific authors… preferably those who write series! 🙂

  9. Sabrina D
    Sabrina D at |

    I would like theme weeks…

  10. Kara Guido
    Kara Guido at |

    Specific authors featured and theme weeks. I’m not really interested in anthologies.

  11. younela
    younela at |

    Oolong, anthology specials sound great. And theme weeks would also be interesting.

    1. younela
      younela at |

      Flaming auto correct! That should be Oooooo!

  12. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Great set of authors. Since I’m new and just finding out all you have, this is tough one. But have you had anything like interviewing 2 or 3 authors at the same time to compare notes? For example, two mystery writers, one where who made the mystery the main focus, the other where the romance was the main focus, so they can compare and contrast their choices.

  13. suze294
    suze294 at |

    Yes, theme weeks!
    No preference whether one aithor, different books or one theme (ie historicals) over different authors

  14. flutterfli
    flutterfli at |

    What a motherload of a prize package! I like the theme weeks. How about reviews on completed series? Thanks everyone for the great prizes that are being donated.

  15. Laura05
    Laura05 at |

    Some great suggestions are already made 🙂 Thanks for another chance

  16. Trix
    Trix at |

    Author/publisher events would be great, as would theme weeks!

  17. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    I love theme weeks, focusing on a particular sub-genre, topic or trope.


  18. Sadonna
    Sadonna at |

    Another great set of prizes! I really like the theme weeks. I found a lot of new to me books on those weeks. Whether it’s rent-boys, military, May/December, friends to lovers, etc. there are a lot of great books to still be discovered 😀

  19. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Theme week sounds great. I’ll like to see some focus on new authors and/or publishers.

  20. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I like theme weeks a lot. I love finding books in the tropes I enjoy the most

  21. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    I like your suggestion about having a theme week like Anthology week. What about Mysteries, Holiday or Paranormal/ Fantasy week.

  22. Tammy Szymanski
    Tammy Szymanski at |

    I prefer authors and once again thank you for the give aways.

  23. Dee
    Dee at |

    Themed weeks are a nice change of pace, but I love the variety of authors and reads you post.
    Even themed months could be interesting; HOT reads for the summer , romantic reads for the month of may, etc..

  24. Trishia White
    Trishia White at |

    I gotta throw my hat in with the theme week as well. Reviews, posts, author/character interviews all tied in with the theme of the week.

  25. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    I like to read a sneak peak to a book the authors are currently working on even if they may cut the scene later.

  26. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    Perhaps it could be a combination of both. Focusing on a particular theme would be nice.

  27. mztikicat
    mztikicat at |

    So many great prizes, so many great suggestions. Theme weeks or months are great, and I love seeing reviews on back-list books, as I’m relatively new to m/m fic, and like fuel for the bonfire that is my TBR list. The idea of “outtakes” like deleted scenes is appealing, or maybe a place for reader ideas or suggestions, if any authors were interested in input. Thanks again, for another chance to win.

  28. Ree Dee
    Ree Dee at |

    My favorite things are the character interviews along with genre weeks. I am happy with the site but maybe more of the afore mentioned items?

  29. Babybarlow
    Babybarlow at |

    Authors’ interviews are pretty cool. I like those a lot. Ty

  30. Angela
    Angela at |

    Love this blog 🙂

  31. Missy
    Missy at |

    I like reading about anthologies. I discovered terrific authors that way. Thank you for the chance.

  32. teecee
    teecee at |

    Amazing lotto. I like to read about authors and their books’ characters. thank you again.

  33. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    I love it when the characters take over a post a blog.


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