12 Responses

  1. Cowboy Myth & Updates… A Kind of Romance is Coming Soon! | Lane Hayes

    […] Speaking of stereotypes…I wrote a blog post today at Love Bytes regarding the “cowboy myth”.  The notion any one should act or be a certain way based on skin color, sex or religion is unconscionably irresponsible thinking in a modern era. Media coverage of political yahoos telling us how to take back America is reckless and ridiculous. I won’t go much further or I’ll be here all day pontificating on the idiots with money looking for a spot in the White House. Ugh! Check out my post here. […]

  2. jjhoneywrites
    jjhoneywrites at |

    I can’t understand why the world still continues to pack people into boxes determined by their gender, occupation and age. In a modern first world society we should be intelligent enough to work out that we should be looking at is the person, the individual not whether they tick all the boxes you have in your mind of what they should be, because it is very presumptuous of us to expect everyone to conform to our own individual assumptions.
    So, for me as long as the person I am dealing with is honest, kind and being the best they can be in the life they have chosen I couldn’t care less of their own sexual preferences just as much as the colour of their skin is unimportant.
    If we want people to respect us then we also have to learn to respect them, regardless of whether it is a lifestyle we would have chosen.

  3. 16forward
    16forward at |

    After reading Brokeback ‘Mountain’… who wouldn’t want a cowboy?

  4. nicki442
    nicki442 at |

    I so agree. Just yesterday I commented on a book review because one phrase stood out like a sore thumb. “…a male nurse who worked in the children’s ward…”. That qualifier of “male” in front of “nurse” ruffled my feathers. The reader already knew that the character was a male.

    This is 2016, and a nurse is a nurse. Since we already knew that the character was a male, I suggested that the reviewer simply say/write “pediatric nurse” in the future to define such a character. I’d THOUGHT that gender bias in the medical field was long gone by now, especially when reviewing a M/M romance. If I was a bit perturbed, being a female reader, how would a male reader react to that qualifier of “male” nurse? A gay male reader? It just irked me, as no one says “female nurse”, and I also mentioned that old, sexist joke about the female surgeon.

    Hopefully one day society won’t succumb to stereotypes and assumptions based on occupation. We’ve come so far yet not nearly far enough.

  5. batchelorboy55
    batchelorboy55 at |

    It’s interesting that I don’t put Brokeback Mountain with the cowboy sub-genre. I do have to say I have enjoyed plenty over the years, so here are a few of my earlier read titles.
    Rattler by Cap Iversen
    Calico by Dorien Grey
    Bareback by Chris Owen
    Longhorns by Victor Banis
    Murder at the Rocking R by Cat Ford

    and two Aussie series
    Lang Downs by Ariel tachna (oops thats a sheep station sorry)
    Red Dirt Heart by N.R. Walker
    Say it out loud (autobio) by Adam Sutton

  6. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    waaaaaaittt!! you mean cowboys AREN’T all white hetero males??? my illusions are shattered!
    ….thank goodness! 🙂

  7. Cowboy Myth & Updates… A Kind of Romance is Coming Soon! – Lane Hayes

    […] Speaking of stereotypes…I wrote a blog post today at Love Bytes regarding the “cowboy myth”.  The notion any one should act or be a certain way based on skin color, sex or religion is unconscionably irresponsible thinking in a modern era. Media coverage of political yahoos telling us how to take back America is reckless and ridiculous. I won’t go much further or I’ll be here all day pontificating on the idiots with money looking for a spot in the White House. Ugh! Check out my post here. […]

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