A counter Argument to the recent, “Ladies…Ladies…Ladies….” By F.E. Feeley Jr.

You know, a good book is a good book.

I don’t care what genre you write in. And a good book, takes research. In our genre, m/m, there are good books and there are bad ones.

And it usually hinges on one thing. Just one word. Research. And damnit if we’re not back on the male vs female writer bullshit again.

Here’s what’s up:

The post on Love Bytes Reviews website, was condescending as hell. Not only to women, not only to writers, but to gay men and men in general. Why? Because of Reductio ad Absurdum. The writer took romance and shot it right between the eyes and reduced our work, our humanity, to the most basic form possible. Fucking.

It wasn’t tongue in cheek. It wasn’t smart alec-y. It was downright trite, and while the author had some good points it was like pointing a firehose at a passerby to see whether or not the information threw them to the ground.

We are all adults. We know how chemistry and sex work. And while we are all adults, we are also all…human.  And its right there in that humanity where we come together.

Admittedly there are  books in the m/m genre where I stop and say, “Do you even know a gay man?” And you know what? I have to ask that question of both men and women.

But on the flip side, I have read some outstanding, stand up and cheer, LITERATURE out of our genre by both sexes.

This is my favorite part:

There are many gay men who will say, “Oh, I’m not like that. I’m in touch with my feminine side.” Yeah, whatever. Deep down, they are pigs too. I have a saying: “Feed ‘em, fuck ‘em and put ‘em to bed.” If you manage to keep them there till morning, give them a cup of coffee and a blow job… watch out. They’ll be showing up with a moving van the next day. Just sayin’.

There are the exceptions though. The diehard anti-relationship guys. Even then, they can be had, if you want them. Most of the time however, you really don’t want those. They can be demanding as hell and get on your nerves. Now, if you’re into being submissive and like being the 1950’s Suzy-Homemaker, steer clear of these types. If you are, then go for it.

Wow. The biggest complaint about in our genre is that in their attempt to write about gay men they in fact stereotype gay men has been slaughtered by the beast of this statement.

Dogs fuck. Squirrels fuck. Cows Fuck.

But what makes us different is the dance, the intricate workings of our humanness, our romance that separates man (universally used) from beast.

As a man first, I feel. And feelings are not feminine. But that certainly is the world view. Emma Watson gave a speech before the UN on the topic of Feminism and turned the tables around on men and begged them to be vulnerable after she quoted a statistic that said suicide is the third largest killer of men ages 18-49.  The other two killers of men are car accidents and Coronary heart disease.  How many gay people kill themselves? 23 veterans a day kill themselves. Why? Because they’re  not allowed this ‘feminine’ ability to feel. And in doing so, ask for help.

And he’s damn right, that non-feeling bullshit has found its way into the gay culture as well. Because there are people out there, who hear nothing but ‘you cant have love, you don’t love, your not good enough, you are trash, your ‘love’ isn’t real, you don’t get equal rights, you’re goin to hell’. So they turn to drugs, booze, prostitution, and God knows what else because they’ve turned off their feelings. And now…all they do…all they’re good for. Is a good fuck. Someone’s good time. Someone’s insta-love, which has replaced romance and has convinced the world the way to a man’s heart is through his pants.

How do I know that? I BELIEVED THAT SHIT! I did that shit!

Until I found out what love really was. And now this ex boozer, ex druggy, ex fundi, ex sex worker, is now a married, suzie homemaker type, who writes books, takes care of his husband, cleans and cooks, and writes stories in hopes that my profession to the world of the joys of romance, will change one life at a time.

Ladies, keep doing your thing. You are doing a wonderful job.

Men, its okay to feel. As a matter of fact, please feel. Your life depends on it.

Dr. Maya Angelou had this to say about romance. “Any culture that loses its Agape Romance runs the risk of becoming bitter, and brutish, and crass, and cruel, and even murderous.” Now transpose that statement onto where our societies are today and the implications will shock you. We need more romance. Not less.

As far as pigs go, speak for yourself bud.

((You can read the original response on my blog when  you follow the jump here))

7 Responses

  1. AF Henley
    AF Henley at |

    Very well said. Excellent post.

  2. cindyls1969
    cindyls1969 at |

    Wonderfully said. Thank you.

  3. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Hear hear. Thank you for this post. The original that this is in response to was upsetting to me. I appreciate this heart-felt and on point response.

  4. jkhoganbooks
    jkhoganbooks at |

    I really appreciate this post.

    Best part right here: “You know, a good book is a good book.”

    That’s what I’ve been saying all along. I feel like, since my characters are my brain-children, no one’s more qualified to write about them than me. 🙂

    I tried to stay out of the discussion of the original post for the most part, because I didn’t feel like it was worth stressing myself out over a clearly unreasoned statement, but I really enjoyed your positive message and your insight into gay culture in regards to this issue.

  5. Petronella Ford
    Petronella Ford at |

    Actually this blog post offends me. Not because of anything written IN it but because it was written and posted on the same blog as the original article.The point isn’t whether I agree or disagree with your view or that of the original post but that the blog owner posted it and by posting this you and them are encouraging the witchhunt against the original author.
    The point is people can write stuff you don’t like. Stephanie Mayer and EL James are two authors that come to mind but I don’t go around on line rubbishing them personally. OK so maybe it was a poorly worded article. Surely someone read it BEFORE it was posted, and whilst authors can say what they wish a gentle word in their ear about boundaries wouldn’t go amiss before it went live. I am hurt and confused by the reaction to the post and the hate filled responses that some people have given. NO ONE deserves to be treated that way and that is re-iterated in the above post which contradicts itself by its very existence.

  6. Debbie
    Debbie at |

    I agree with you Petronella Ford. The only reason I am back on this blog is to double check that the book I’m about to purchase on Amazon is not by one of the authors who incited the personal witch hunt.

  7. Stephanie H
    Stephanie H at |

    So very well said. Feelings have no gender.


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