It has been a while since I’ve posted here (so my apologies to Love Bytes for my lack of participation as of late). Some pretty major things have happened in my life in the last few months, and so I thought I would do a more personal post today than usual.
So some of you know, and some of you don’t, that on June 6th, I became a mom. The road getting here hasn’t exactly been a smooth one. I was labelled a high-risk pregnancy less than a month after I found out I was pregnant. It was almost a year of ups and downs, but Hudson was born at 6:44 in the evening, weighing a very healthy 8 pounds 6 ounces. He was delivered via C-section and came out squirming and screaming bloody murder (the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard), and with a full head of very thick, very red hair (the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen).
Life for me has changed incredibly in the last month, and as sleep deprived and wrung-out as I am, I wouldn’t change it for the world. He’s so incredible and I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he’s all mine (well, mine and my husband’s, but since I’m the mom, I get first dibs).
All during this, there have been some exciting things happening on the author front too. My very first audiobook was released! Brokenhearted became available, and pretty quickly after, Wholehearted as well. So far, I have received some really positive feedback on the audiobooks, which I was very grateful for. Audiobooks are a wholly new experience for me, but I have to say that so far they have been a good one.
I am so happy with the narrator who recorded them for me. John Orr did such a fantastic job, and for someone who is relatively new to narration, I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. When I was choosing a narrator, he stood head and shoulders above the other auditions. It was an automatic choice.
It’s been so exciting, and I haven’t really had a minute to work on getting the word out, so I hired Pride Promotions to do a couple of book blasts for me. The Brokenhearted one has finished and Wholehearted should be sometime in the next little while.
Will Parkinson is the mastermind behind the company, and I can’t tell you how wonderful it has been working with him. Will is a very good friend of mine, but he’s as professional with me as he is with everyone else. I filled out one form, and he did the rest. It was such a relief to be able to leave it in someone else’s (very capable) hands, and sit back and enjoy. Promotion has always been a bit difficult for me. I have a hard time approaching people and asking them to host me or to do reviews for me. Hiring Pride Promotions was so much easier, and they have so many more contacts than I could ever hope to. It was such a positive experience and I’ll be using them from now on.
So between bringing a new person into the world, family coming in and out to visit the new little one, two new audiobooks and a whack of promotion, this past month has been busy, but so wonderful. I am trying to slow everything down and enjoy every moment, but it’s difficult to choose one thing to focus on.
I hope everyone else is having as amazing a summer as I am!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Enjoy your summer. They grow up so fast.
Congratulations to you and your husband. I love the red hair he looks beautiful. best wishes.
He’s precious. I’m happy for you and your husband.
What a wonderful update! Congratulations on all the happy and may much, much more continue to come your way.
Congrats! On the baby and the audiobook! I hadn’t heard of either.
So will be looking the audio up now
Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing the update and super-cute pix. I had a high-risk pregnancy with my son, too – they are difficult but so worth it. :-). Wishing your family much happiness.
Congratulations! He does look super cute, enjoy (the sleepless nights dont last that long really!)
Congratulations on your new baby, he’s so precious! And, also, congrats on the good news with your books.
Thanks also for sharing your experience with Pride Promotions. I was considering using them for my new book release, and I may look into them in the future.
Thank you all for your wonderful comments!!