5 Responses

  1. Nephylim
    Nephylim at |

    This is quite strange as i have just finished reading this book and left reviews everywhere i could think of. Its an amazing book.

  2. Urbanista
    Urbanista at |

    Wow, this sounds wonderful! I cannot wait to read it!

  3. Nephylim (@SevenPointStar)
    Nephylim (@SevenPointStar) at |

    It’s strange but I finished reading this book last night and have been enthusing about it everywhere I can think of. It was simply a stunningly amazing book and anyone who hasn’t read it really really should.

  4. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    sounds like a great read.

  5. Damian Bloodstone
    Damian Bloodstone at |

    Loved the post about the title. The cover art and title are complement each other and show the time you placed into the title. I think this book will be wonderful.


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